Resurrections And Ripples
Dear Readers,
It’s never too late to start anew –
If it was once there, it still lies in you,
Covered and lost under the shroud
Of fear, hesitation and self-doubt.
Self-resolve and a sprinkling of faith
Is what it takes to resurrect the innate,
Let ripples of faith replace the ‘how, where and when’,
Be the phoenix you can be, and rise again!
Many of us tend to let a sense of unfounded self-doubt metamorphose into a lack of confidence, resulting in inertia, which, inspite of our best intentions, disallows us from unleashing our potential and summiting new heights. Age notwithstanding, at some point, we all feel we’ve lost that proverbial ‘spark’. That is as untrue as it is ridiculous. The simple truth is, if it was in you, it still is. And for those of us who believe they never had it, you’re simply not putting in enough effort to seek it out. We all have it. And it’s always there.
Life is like a giant wheel with its exhilarating ups and horrifying downs. But the good news is – it’s a wheel, and it will always come full circle. When you’re going down, keep that seat-belt of faith firmly on, keep your eyes on the ground, and hold on to that bar of support – whether it comes from within or outside; and when you’re rising again, maintain that seat-belt of faith firmly as ever, look above at the infinity of the skies and know it’s yours to have, all over again. And claim it, over and over again. The Phoenix in you comes with unlimited lives. Use it generously to make the most of the one life you’re blessed with.
Fear paralyses our energy and mutates our perception and reality. It makes a speed breaker seem like the Machu Picchu! But fear is a paper tiger. And faith is the ultimate nemesis of all fear. In fact, the best measure of fear is faith. If you’re still feeling fear or self-doubt and other such derogatory emotions rippling through you, you need to reinforce your faith – in yourself, in your God, and in people who care and believe in you. Redefine your ripples – replace fear with faith to enable ripples of happiness and success abound within you and outside of you.
Speaking of ripples, Parsi Times is delighted to welcome yet another remarkable individual to our prolific team of distinguished writers, who share their precious talents and wisdom with our readers to edge them towards greater progress and growth. Life coach Desirée Shroff splashes in with ‘Ripple Effects’ (Pg. 20) – our brand new column, dedicated to your holistic growth on a personal and professional level.
Parsi Times thrives on the ripples we get from our readers, so do write in your feedback to let us know how we can make your favourite weekly an even better read for you!
Have a weekend rippling with love and laughter!
– Anahita
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Dear Anahita,
I have my childhood family friend residing in Mumbai. He is like my brother and we were very close. He is about sixty years old. He used to call me up regularly but all of a sudden since last year the calls have stopped. Mobile number and land line are no longer existing. He resides somewhere opposite Shamilar Hotel in Kemps Corner. He had an uncle Soli Masalawala who had his own accommodation in a Parsi colony in Gwalior Tank. Kindly let me know whom should I approach to find out what’s happened to him.The details are as follows:
Name: Darayus Bulsara