Truth Empowers
Dear Readers,
These are confusing times for a lot of concerned community members, who have been writing in to us, asking for clarity and for answers, regarding the ongoing Metro 3 Alignment issue. Numerous developments have taken place – most virtual (off social media platforms) and some in real life. There are a few unsavoury elements who create and add to the misinformation amongst our community members, with the usual agenda of causing chaos and furthering the rift between the traditional-minded and the liberal-minded.
In keeping with the Parsi Times policy of going with only ‘the truth or nothing’, last week we shared the developments taking place from the source itself – to avoid any scope of things getting lost in translation. And, as promised, we are back this issue with more direct information and developments, based on the facts so we can provide only the absolute truth to our readers… the truth, ‘as is’ – not as it ‘should be’. Nothing is more empowering than the truth. With the truth placed in front of you – you do not need to believe or get influenced by the (mis)interpretations of ‘well-intentioned’, self-proclaimed do-gooders, who would have you believe they are out to save the race and the religion! You have a mind and intelligence of your own – please use it judiciously, especially now, that you’re empowered with the truth. (Please refer to our coverage on Pg. 04)
On a cheerier note, those walking the path of truth, ingenuity and diligence, often achieve greatness, bringing pride upon their country and community. Because no achievement should go unnoticed, and to foster a sense of motivation and encouragement amongst our Community, the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India (ZTFI) held their second annual flagship mega-event, the ZAAN 2017 (Zoroastrian Achievers Awards Nite 2017) last night, celebrating and honouring the achievers of our Community! Numerous outstanding frontrunners from various fields were felicitated at a glittering do attended by the Community’s Who’s Who. And who else, but your favorite Parsi Times, was once again the media partner for the Community’s most happening event! Since we had already gone to print when the event was on-way, ensure to get your hands on our issue next Saturday for all the fabulous details.
Next week also brings in the auspicious ‘Sanjan Day Centennial Celebrations’ on the 16th of November. Sanjan Day holds a special place in our hearts, as it marks the establishment of the column honouring the efforts and sacrifice of our forefathers, who risked their lives to protect our holy fire and our Persian heritage from persecution and violation. The centennial celebrations are even more special, managed for decades by the Davierwala family, who along with volunteers and well-wishers, have put in very hard work for months on end, to deliver the perfect platform for our Community to come together and partake of the religious essence and cultural festivities on this hallowed land. Do take the time to visit Sanjan on the 16th as a mark of respect to our ancestors.
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita