All thought is energy. It has immense power. It can create your surroundings. A thought can heal or harm another. Be careful of what you create – healing or harming – because it will come back to you like a boomerang as your outward circumstances – either as lots of health, wealth, peace of mind and happiness… or as tragedies, diseases, illnesses, unrest and set-backs.
Why? Because each time we create a thought it contains emotional-energy and the creation process has started. It’s as if an arrow has been released in the mental-sphere of planet Earth. Then, similar thoughts or arrows are attracted to it, bunched together, and when saturation is reached, the ‘Law of Karma’ is set in motion and the thought you formed materialises into deed. If your thought was of wishing another ill-health, you will be sick. If it was of cheating someone, you’ll be cheated. If it was betrayal or hatred, you’ll be betrayed and hated since you’ve created your own reality and the world is merely reflecting your own thoughts, whether good or bad. As you sow, so shall you reap. If you sow seeds of chillies in the soil, how can you expect roses to grow? That is the Law of Karma.
Karma is a Cosmic Law wherein every smallest situation in your life is a consequence of your own thoughts. This is why we feel that bad things happen to good people and wicked people are enjoying life. In reality, the whole drama of our so-called life is a process of thoughts which are manifesting into our outward circumstances and only an awareness of every thought you create has the power to alter the course of your karma (but not in the midst of a karmic cycle). When a tragedy happens to us, we say “Why me”? This is because we can’t perceive the connection between our past thoughts and present tragedy. It’s difficult because of the time-lapse between the two. For the consequence of your thought to its manifestation it may take a week, one month, a year, an entire decade or even several lifetimes. That is why we say “Why me?” So take a firm mental about-turnand banish all negative thoughts.
Why? Because your negative thoughts not only materialise as painful situations in your own life but create negativity elsewhere on the planet. Each time you see, hear or read of violence, you create more violence in the earth’s atmosphere. Each one of us is responsible for the world we live in today. It’s mankind’s collective Karma which can pertain to your family (whether it’s a loving one or abusive one), nation (whether it’s peaceful and prosperous or not) and entire humanity going through a certain time and age
Everything we think, do and say forms an imprint on our mind. Negative thoughts confuse the mind and move us away from spiritual perfection, peace and bliss. As a result, we are drawn towards negative, hurtful people, situations and circumstances. When death comes, that sum total negativity automatically attracts us to a swoon of darkness which suits that negativity. We call that state of consciousness ‘hell’ and it’s of your own making.
According to the Upanishads, there are four types of thoughts viz. instinctive, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Instinctive thoughts are about transitory urges like food and sex. Emotional thoughts are about attachments and can be positive or negative like “this is good” and “this is bad”. Intellectual thoughts see divinity in creative arts, like dance, music, reading, writing, music etc. Spiritual thoughts see each and every thing in the world as a reflection of the divine. Yogis say that thoughts originate in the right lobe of the brain and speech from the left lobe.
In Sanskrit, the saying, “Yad Bhavam, Tad Bhavati”, means you become whatever you think. Your world is only a reflection of your inner-state. The people you meet, situations you get into, problems, setbacks, happy and unhappy experiences and circumstances, these are all projections of your own mind. You create your reality. Be in perpetual meditation of good thoughts and you’ll have a good life.
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