The Ahmedabad Parsi Panchayat (APP) hosted a community dinner as per the wishes of late Parvez and Freny Borka at Naoroji Vakil Sanatorium premises on 14th April, 2018. The function commenced with a jasan in the memory of the donors at 6:15 pm, followed by Secretary of APP, Cyrus Sabawala delivering the welcome address. Trustees Kety Daruwalla, Merzban Lahewala and Shirin Kanga welcomed Chief Guest, Er. Marazban Hathiram who spoke on ‘Ardavirafnameh’ and wove in some of the salient features of our great religion and impressed upon the audience the need to follow it with implicit faith. The event concluded with the reiteration of Chhaiye Hame Zarthosti and the National Anthem, followed by a Gujarati thali styled gambhar.
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