We Will Miss Meherwanji… Berry Much!
Dear Readers,
Before all else, on behalf of Team Parsi Times, I thank you for the innumerable congratulatory and encouraging messages you sent us for Parsi Times Seventh Anniversary and our Anniversary Issue. We are, as always, grateful and delighted with your constant feedback, guidance and support, which has helped steer Parsi Times into becoming the favourite News weekly of the Community. There is no greater sense of satisfaction than your reassurance that we are delivering on the promise and the purpose that Parsi Times was set to achieve…
And speaking of achievements, over this past week, Parsi Times seems to have surpassed digital records of sorts, with the ever increasing popularity of our Facebook Page soaring high, with over 10,500 followers and a reach of nearly two and a half lakh people over the past week, escalating especially after we shared the news of the sad passing away of one the owners of the locally and globally famous restaurant – the iconic Britannia And Co. restaurant – Meherwanji. The Community stands together by the family in this time of grief. This is one of those times when we realise the not-so-common positives of social media, in keeping with the words of appreciation and gratitude extended to PT by the family for reaching this news to thousands of Meherwanji’s admirers within hours.
What has been most touching is reading the hundreds of stories shared by innumerable people in our FB post’s comments sections – each bringing to light how he effortlessly spread joy and laughter with his sweet company, walking up to diners with quips and suggestions, always managing to eke out chuckles amongst his patrons. Suffice to say, Berry Pulao, Britannia’s signature dish, will never taste the same again without his special ingredients of his warmth and fun. These stories, coming in from across all communities and countries, are definitely worth a read (https://www.facebook.com/parsi.times/).
In fact, so popular and loved was Meherwanji, that not only did our breaking-news post go instantly viral, but we even had leading dailies like The Times of India and The Hindustan Times, and digital news leaders like FirstPost, quoting from our Facebook news and comments section. In keeping with the overwhelming interest generated about the grand old man, your favourite News Weekly is privileged to share a special tribute, celebrating the life and times of Meherwanji (Pg.10). We are thankful to his family, especially his niece Dorothy Yazdegardi, who shared the story and the glory of the formidable and inspiring Meherwanji.
Voicing a fair concern, in keeping with our Community’s penchant for court cases, we do hope that this sad event will not affect the functioning of this legendary eatery or follow in the footsteps of some predecessors embroiled in legal controversies, leading to the fateful shutting-down of these much loved establishments… as history has shown.
We would miss that ‘Berry’ much… just as we will, Meherwanji!
Till next Saturday, bye-bye!
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