From The Editor’s Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Dear Readers,

There is no better way of starting the weekend than with a big, hearty smile. And this edition of Parsi Times promises you just that! The most radiant of smiles is the one borne of a sense of pride, and insomuch, we have our young go-getter, Maherzad Patel to thank, for doing India and our Community immensely proud. Not only is Maherzad the very first Indian to have participated in the World Equipped Powerlifting Federation (WEPF) held in Moscow last week, he performed his own hat-trick – winning the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals across different categories! And nine-year-old Karishmah Meherjee set her own ‘World Record India’ by winning the Gold medal, at the Zigzag Skating Marathon in Pune. Heartiest Kudos to our champs! (Pg.18)

Speaking of smiles emanating from pride, the Community will be proud to know that the sacrifice of our Community’s braveheart, Lt. Cdr Firdaus Mogal – who gave up his life to save the lives of his brother officers – continues to inspire and exemplify the Indian Navy. A touching tribute was paid in Goa, glorifying his valour, by naming a new building in his honour, inaugurated by the Vice Admiral (Pg. 7). The last line of his citation prestigiously sums it all, with, “Let us strive to be worthy of his sacrifice and live by his ideals.”

Living up to our commitment to maximize and promote youth engagement within our Community, Parsi Times is delighted to Media Partner, for the third consecutive time, with the Community’s premier Sports and Cultural Festival, WINGS18. A fab and fun opportunity to showcase your talents across various genres, read up the details (Pg. 20) and register today to partake the WINGS18 excitement, which offers thrilling brand new games this year!

It is also our privilege to kick off an exclusive, new series, ‘The Three Greatest Zoroastrian Kings’, (Pg. 6) by Zoroastrian scholar and writer extraordinaire, Noshir Dadrawala, which will further enhance our smiles, when we learn and celebrate the greatness of our erstwhile Zoroastrian Royalty.

Have a weekend full of smiles!

– Anahita

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