The Just Demands Of The Parsees
What have our dear Parsees done?
Why should they be made to run?
To divert the route of a metro train,
And take it to another lane?
So that the Sacred Fire should burn.
The numbers of Parsees is minuscule,
The Parsees always follow the rule.
Please don’t push them around,
Address their concern which is sound,
Don’t make them loose their cool.
Science, industry, law and all,
Parsees have shone big and tall.
Our country owes them a debt,
In its progress, they have shed their sweat,
So please listen to their call.
The Parsees aren’t asking any favour,
They just want to main their flavour.
Please heed their just demand,
Do whatever at your command,
Before the issue becomes graver.
– Shabbir T. Beguwala
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Parsis have always been known to give more than to take. They would not ask for the underground diversions unless it is in someway a peril to their most sacred AtashBehrams and Fire. These are very complex and esoteric issues to understand and their spiritual ramifications can be far and wide. Therefore will the authorities concerned please understand the importance of these very holy structures and in view of the fact that the Parsis have only contributed to the betterment of their adopted country and at all times have had the good of India at heart, please let their sacred places and their vibrant invisible fields remain intact and undisturbed ? The whole Parsi community will remain eternally grateful.