From The Editor’s Desk

From The Editor's Desk




Dear Readers,

One of the best features of the Festive Season is that it brings us together in celebration, with numerous lagans, navjotes and events, re-strengthening the bonds of our close-knit community. In fact, the season also marks the convergence of Parsis from the world over, to partake of the festivities and reminisce together in merriment. Which is a good thing, because in the current times, what our community most needs, is our coming together in unity – a show of numbers, however small.

If some of India’s greatest achievements by our forefathers and current community luminaries, are nationally and globally applauded, surely our cause, which is of far greater importance to us on a religious and spiritual level, will and should be heard loud and clear by the powers that be. It need not be underplayed as it is not the reserve of our numbers. Even if our numbers are low, our voice is loud, and it gets louder every time more of us join in.

Unity is the only real protection for a small community like ours, so let’s focus on nurturing togetherness and the all-important principle of agreeing to disagree, as opposed to running to the national media and washing dirty laundry in public – because that shows our disunity, and it leaves us vulnerable to the devious agenda of miscreants, outside and within our community.

As we head towards entering a new orbit in a few days’ time, let’s take a moment to reflect on 2018, and ask ourselves, did we do our bit as responsible community members and responsible Zoroastrians? And more importantly, what can we do, as a responsible community, to restore our unity and our voice in 2019.

Wish you a good weekend and a Merry X’mas!



– Anahita

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