Letter To The Railway Minister:
Letter To Prime Minister’s Office:
Letter To Ashwini Bhide, MD, MMRCL:
Letter To State Housing And Urban Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri:
Chain E-mails To CM Office:
Letter To Devendra Fadnavis, CM, Maharashtra:
A Record Of CM’s First Meeting With Community Members:
CM Assures Community
“We Are Proud of Our Parsis, Will Ensure No Religious Structures Or Sentiments Are Hurt,” assures CM Fadnavis.
On Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 8:30 pm, two of our Community’s foremost religious leaders and Vada Dasturjis, Firoze Kotwal and Khurshed Dastoor, met with the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis at his bungalow, ‘Varsha’ to discuss the Community’s concerns about the potential structural and religious threats posed by the ongoing Metro 3 Rail alignment. Also present at the meeting were Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL) Chief – Ashwini Bhide, Mumbai BJP Chief – Ashish Shelar, Manek Davar and MMRCL Structural Engineer – Gupta.
There has been much unrest and debate in the community about the Metro 3 alignment issue, routed Colaba-Bandra-Seepz, which could potentially affect three of our holy structures – as passes under/close to – the H B Wadia Atash Behram (on Princess Street); the Anjuman Atash Behram (near Marine Lines Station), and the Bhikha Behram well affecting the water table. A good section of the Community has been unnerved and incensed at the prospect of the tunnel passing under the sanctum sanctorum and wells inside the Atash Behrams.
The meeting, which lasted for over an hour, resulted in an outcome that should hopefully put our Community’s fears and agitations to rest. Speaking to Parsi Times, Vada Dasturji Firoze Kotwal said, “I expressed all the concerns on behalf of our community and I’m glad to say that all three issues I raised were addressed to the satisfaction of the required safe-keeping of our holy places. I first spoke about the structural threat to our Atash Behrams and I am now convinced that no such threat exists as the digging will take place way under the ground across the Azad Maidan area and our structures will not at all be affected. I also spoke about the water table drying up in our wells in the Atash Behrams as well as the Bhikha Behram well, and spoke about the need for free flowing water in our religious rituals – here too I saw that the soil under the wells remains untouched and it is only the stone, far deeper under the soil, that will be drilled into, thus in no way affecting our wells or the water tables. Thirdly, I spoke of the tunnel running under our keblas (sanctum sanctorum) and I saw the maps and I would like to put our community’s concerns to rest as no tunnel is passing under our keblas.” Earlier Vada Dasturjis Firoze Kotwal and Kaikhushroo Jamasp Asa, of the Anjuman Atash Behram, had co-signed a letter addressed to PM Narendra Modi urging him to realign the upcoming Metro III rail route saying it threatens the structural and religious sanctity of our holy places.
“The Chief Minister Shri Devendra Fadnavis has himself assured us that none of our holy structures will be damaged and that he will personally be monitoring the situation. In his own words he said for our community, ‘We are very proud of our Parsis. Parsis are a peace-loving community and we will never allow anything to disturb or disrespect their sentiments.’ On behalf of our community, I told him, when we landed in India, our forefathers made the promise, ‘Hame Hindustan Ra Yar Baashim’ translated (we will be friends of India forever) and have since worked towards the progress of India and making the nation proud,” added Dasturji Kotwal.
Vada Dasturji Khushed told Parsi Times, “I am grateful to the Chief Minister for meeting with us and patiently helping us undo our concerns and apprehensions. He has been most supportive and spoken highly about our Community and assured us that he will not let any harm fall upon our structures and that he has utmost regard for our race, our religion and our religious sentiments. I am truly happy that Dasturji Kotwal came along for this meeting as he was able to address first-hand all concerns regarding structural/ religious sanctity and he is now at peace, having seen the truth himself, and will no longer be misinformed about the truth.”
“I am glad I accompanied Dasturji Khurshed this time around as now I am relieved with what is going on and I can confidently tell our community members that there is absolutely no reason to panic or be concerned about the sanctity of our places of worship – structurally or religiously. I appreciate Dasturji Khurshed for being my staunch supporter through the meeting and also for helping to place the truth in front of the Community. There are a few people who have been going on spreading false news and fooling and scaring our innocent community members – these are people who have their own self-interests in mind and they gain when they cause a rift in the community. As always, I will stay dedicated to my dharam and my community and I want to request the whole community to unite as one and not be divided and debate about a non-issue anymore,” said Dasturji Kotwal.
“Even earlier, there was an unnecessary brouhaha about the Udvada Anjuman Land case where I had personally taken objection against the developers because that construction was, in fact, violating the religious sanctity of the Iranshah structure – as the septic tanks, which were to be built at the soil level, would have adulterated the water table of the well, unlike the Metro 3 line, where the construction is over 40 feet under the rock. Also, I put forth my objections in Udvada, as soon as I got to know of the construction plans, not after everything was okayed – as has been in the Metro 3 case,” informed Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor.
Speaking about the unnecessary criticism heaped on him over the past weeks, Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor added, “As I’ve mentioned in the past, I do not get deterred by miscreants and my experience has taught me that the truth will always prevail so these unnecessary noise-mongers of the Community do not affect me at all. I am here to serve Iranshah and my Community. My faith and confidence in my Iranshah and His faith in having chosen me to serve Him and our blessed community, is all the support I need to continue doing the work I’m meant to do.”
In keeping with the success of the discussions, even Mumbai BJP Chief, Ashish Shelar tweeted about the meeting thanking Fadnavis and our Parsi community for coming together and finding a solution.
Here’s hoping that our Community will finally breathe a sigh of relief, in keeping with the facts and multiple assurances from all those who are at the helm of affairs and not swayed by false rumours and misinformation.
Record Of Correspondence With Different Ministeries
October 26, 2018 (Detailed report on MMRC Project sent to PMO)
Kind Attention:
Sh. Sanjay R. Bhavsar
OSD to Honourable Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Dear Bhavsar Ji,
On behalf of Zoroastrian Community, I would like to draw your kind attention on urgent issue of Colaba-Bandra –SEEPZ Tunnel III Project, MMRC-Mumbai which is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams (Fire Temples) of Parsi Zoroastrians at Dhobhi Talao Mumbai.
As, I am trying to save our Atash Behrams since long and had a several meetings with the various Ministers of State and Central Government in Delhi and Mumbai and MMRC Officials.
The Parsi Community with their own expenses consulted Mr Nicola Della Valle, Independent Tunnelling Consultant Specialized in Mechanized Tunneling with hard rock TBM and Pressurized shields Partner & Administrator of Tunnel consult Engineering Ltd. As per his reports he has given 8 options for shifting of the tunnel up-to 7 m which is technically feasible without any extra additional cost to MMRC. But MMRC has agreed only 3.5 meters inspite of providing them 8 options. These options have already been submitted in the High Court of Mumbai.
In this regard following meetings were held:-
On October 1, I met Mr. Piyush Goyal, Honourable Minister for Railways in Delhi and briefed him the whole issue. On his advice, I had a meeting with Mrs. Ashwini Bhide, Managing Director, MMRC at Mumbai on October 3, 2018.
October 6, with the Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra in which he said that another meeting will be fixed with the Community Members, Architect and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide.
October 9, our Prominent Parsi Members and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide along-with technical officials of MMRC met with Honourable Chief Minister and discussed the issue in detailed.
On October 10, 2018, I also met Shri Hardeep Singh, Honourable Minister of State Housing & Urban Affairs (Independent Charge) in Delhi and request him to recommend the re-alignment for the minor shift of about 7 meter as experts have said. On my request Honourable Minister has forwarded the recommendation to the Government of Maharashtra so that the work can be started without any hurdle and the sentiments of Parsi community can be saved.
October 15, 2018:- I had a meeting with Representatives of our Parsi Community and Officials from MMRC, Mr. S.K. Gupta, Technical Director MMRC.
As this is a serious issue of sanctity and spirituality of our Fire temples, the religious sentiments of our Zoroastrian (Parsi) Community are being hurt. My humble request for the Honourable Prime Minister to forward the letter to the concerned Ministry and to issue the necessary instructions.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dasturji Khurshed K. Dastoor
Member – Zoroastrian
National Commission For Minorities
Government of India
Block 3, CGO Complex
New Delhi
——– Original Message ——–
From: “Vada Dasturji Khurshedk Dastoor” <khurshedk.dastoor@gov.in>
Date: Oct 23, 2018 2:40:59 PM
Subject: request for appointment with Honourable Prime Minister of India
To: appt.pmo@gov.in
Cc: kkdncm17@gmail.com
Kind Attention:
Sh. Sanjay R. Bhavsar
OSD to Honourable Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Dear Bhavsar Ji,
I would like to have an appointment urgently with Hon’ble Prime Minister of India as per his convenience to discuss the issue of Colaba-SEEPZ Metro Tunnel-3 which is passing under our sacred Fire Temple at Dhubhi Talao.
I shall be thankful if you would kindly confirm an appointment and convey us the same.
Thanks and regards,
Dasturji Khurshed K. Dastoor
Member – Zoroastrian
National Commission For Minorities
Government of India
Block 3, CGO Complex
New Delhi
Letters sent to CM Maharashtra & received
——– Original Message ——–
From: “Shri. Devendra Fadnavis (Chief Minister)” <CM@maharashtra.gov.in>
Date: Oct 30, 2018 3:47:48 PM
Subject: FW: Urgent request for appointment with Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra (PMO letter no. 670/61/C/01/2018-ES.I dated 26/10/2018)
To: CM ENG SECTION <cmengsection@maharashtra.gov.in>
Cc: “khurshedk.dastoor@gov.in” <khurshedk.dastoor@gov.in>
माननिय श्री / श्रीमती धन्यवाद, आपला “ईमेल” मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालयास प्राप्त झाला असून तो पुढील कार्यवाहीसाठी मुलाखत विभागास पाठविण्यात आला आहे.
नोंदणी शाखा, मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय. Kind Attention : Shri Sumit Wankhede, OSD to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Dear Sir, This is in reference to letter sent by Hon’ble Prime Minister (letter no. 670/61/C/01/2018-ES.I dated October 26, 2018) addressed to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra regarding the issue of Colaba SEEPZ Metro Tunnel III project passing right under the premises of two holiest Atash Behrams (Fire Temples) of Parsi Zoroastrians at Dhobhi Talao Mumbai. In this regard Vada Dasturji Khurshed K Dastoor, Zoroastrian Parsi Member of National Commission for Minorities, Delhi would like to have an urgent appointment with Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra as per his convenience. We shall be grateful if you would kindly fix an appointment with Hon’ble Chief Minister and convey us date and time of the meeting at the earliest. With kind regards, Radha Sharma
On 03/10/18 10:27 AM, “Vada Dasturji Khurshedk Dastoor” <khurshedk.dastoor@gov.in> wrote: September 29, 2018 Shri Davendra Fadnavis Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra Mumbai Respected Shri Davendra Fadnavis Ji, I seek an urgent appointment as per your time convenience in connection with the Colaba Seepz Metro line 3 project in Mumbai. As you are aware that under this project a tunnel is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams of Parsi Zoroastrians which houses the fires of the highest grade out of eight Atash Behrams in the world. A tunnel running under the Atash Behrams will violate the spiritual sanctity of these Atash Behrams and has deeply hurt the sentiments of the Parsi Zoroastrian community in India and also wordwide. I shall be grateful if you would kindly grant me an appointment to discuss this issue in detail to resolve it amicably. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Dasturji Khurshed K. Dastoor Member – Zoroastrian National Commission For Minorities
Letter sent to Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi D.O.no. NCM/2018/65 October 10, 2018 Shri Hardeep Singh Puri Hon’ble Minister of State Housing & Urban Affairs (Independent Charge) Nirman Bhawan C Wing, Dr. Maulana Azad Road New Delhi 110011
Respected Shri Hardeep Singh Ji, On behalf of Zoroastrian community I thank you for granting me an appointment to discuss the issue of Colaba-Bandra-SEEPZ Metro line 3 project in Mumbai. I would like to mention here that there are only eight Atash Behrams in the world and the current issue concerns two of the eight Atash Behrams. Under this project a tunnel is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams of Parsi Zoroastrians which houses the fires of the highest grade. A tunnel running under the Atash Behrams will violate the spiritual sanctity of these Atash Behrams and has deeply hurt the sentiments of the Parsi Zoroastrian community in India and also word-wide. In order to save the Atash Behrams from desecration, a minor shift of about 4 to 5 meter would solve this issue. Experts have also assured that it is technically feasible to do so. I and Zoroastrian Community shall be grateful if you would kindly look into the matter personally to resolve it amicably. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, (Khurshed K Dastoor) |
——– Original Message ——–
From: “Vada Dasturji Khurshedk Dastoor” <khurshedk.dastoor@gov.in>
Date: Oct 1, 2018 4:35:11 PM
Subject: request for urgent appointment with Hon’ble Minister
To: minister-mohua@nic.in, minister-mohua@nic.in, pstomin-mohua@gov.in
Respected Hardeep S Puri Sahab,
In connection with Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation work being executed near Colaba-Bandra-SEEPZ area, I would like to request for a short appointment with you today. Some members of the Parsi Community from the area in Mumbai are here with me to put across some important engineering related issues for your kind consideration please.
I shall be grateful for the same please.
With deep regards, Sir
Dasturji Khurshed K. Dastoor
Member – Zoroastrian
National Commission For Minorities
Government of India
Block 3, CGO Complex
New Delhi
M 9999106215
Letter sent to Ministry of Railways, New Delhi
D.O.no. NCM/2018/RLY-26 October 01, 2018
Shri Piyush Goyal
Hon’ble Minister for Railways
Rail Bhawan
New Delhi
Respected Shri Piyush Goyal Ji,
On behalf of Zoroastrian community I thank you for granting me an appointment to discuss the issue of Colaba-Bandra-SEEPZ Metro line 3 project in Mumbai.
I would like to mention here that there are only eight Atash Behrams in the world and the current issue concerns two of the eight Atash Behrams. Under this project a tunnel is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams of Parsi Zoroastrians which houses the fires of the highest grade.
A tunnel running under the Atash Behrams will violate the spiritual sanctity of these Atash Behrams and has deeply hurt the sentiments of the Parsi Zoroastrian community in India and also word-wide.
In order to save the Atash Behrams from desecration, a minor shift of about 4 to 5 meter would solve this issue. Experts have also assured that it is technically feasible to do so.
I and Zoroastrian Community shall be grateful if you would kindly look into the matter personally to resolve it amicably.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Khursheed K Dastoor)
High Priest ‘Iranshah’
Shri Piyush Goyal
Hon’ble Minister for Railways
Rail Bhawan
New Delhi
Respected Shri Piyush Goyal Ji,
I seek an urgent appointment as per your time convenience in connection with the Colaba Seepz Metro line 3 project in Mumbai.
Under this project a tunnel is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams of Parsi Zoroastrians which houses the fires of the highest grade out of eight Atash Behrams in the world.
A tunnel running under the Atash Behrams will violate the spiritual sanctity of these Atash Behrams and has deeply hurt the sentiments of the Parsi Zoroastrian community in India and also wordwide.
I shall be grateful if you would kindly grant me an appointment to discuss this issue in detail to resolve it amicably.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Khursheed K Dastoor )
High Priest ‘Iranshah’
Member – Zoroastrian (Parsi)
National Commission for Minorities
New Delhi
MMRCL Report Submitted to Prime Minister’s Office
October 26, 2018 (Detailed report on MMRC Project sent to PMO)
Kind Attention:
Sh. Sanjay R. Bhavsar
OSD to Honourable Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Dear Bhavsar Ji,
On behalf of Zoroastrian Community, I would like to draw your kind attention on urgent issue of Colaba-Bandra –SEEPZ Tunnel III Project, MMRC-Mumbai which is passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams (Fire Temples) of Parsi Zoroastrians at Dhobhi Talao Mumbai.
As, I am trying to save our Atash Behrams since long and had a several meetings with the various Ministers of State and Central Government in Delhi and Mumbai and MMRC Officials.
The Parsi Community with their own expenses consulted Mr Nicola Della Valle, Independent Tunnelling Consultant Specialized in Mechanized Tunneling with hard rock TBM and Pressurized shields Partner & Administrator of Tunnel consult Engineering Ltd. As per his reports he has given 8 options for shifting of the tunnel up-to 7 m which is technically feasible without any extra additional cost to MMRC. But MMRC has agreed only 3.5 meters inspite of providing them 8 options. These options have already been submitted in the High Court of Mumbai.
In this regard following meetings were held:-
On October 1, I met Mr. Piyush Goyal, Honourable Minister for Railways in Delhi and briefed him the whole issue. On his advice, I had a meeting with Mrs. Ashwini Bhide, Managing Director, MMRC at Mumbai on October 3, 2018.
October 6, with the Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra in which he said that another meeting will be fixed with the Community Members, Architect and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide.
October 9, our Prominent Parsi Members and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide along-with technical officials of MMRC met with Honourable Chief Minister and discussed the issue in detailed.
On October 10, 2018, I also met Shri Hardeep Singh, Honourable Minister of State Housing & Urban Affairs (Independent Charge) in Delhi and request him to recommend the re-alignment for the minor shift of about 7 meter as experts have said. On my request Honourable Minister has forwarded the recommendation to the Government of Maharashtra so that the work can be started without any hurdle and the sentiments of Parsi community can be saved.
October 15, 2018:- I had a meeting with Representatives of our Parsi Community and Officials from MMRC, Mr. S.K. Gupta, Technical Director MMRC.
As this is a serious issue of sanctity and spirituality of our Fire temples, the religious sentiments of our Zoroastrian (Parsi) Community are being hurt. My humble request for the Honourable Prime Minister to forward the letter to the concerned Ministry and to issue the necessary instructions.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dasturji Khurshed K. Dastoor
Member – Zoroastrian
National Commission For Minorities
Government of India
Block 3, CGO Complex
New Delhi
M: 9820341247
Meetings held regarding MMRC Project with Various Ministries & MMRC Officials
The construction which is going on MMRC Tunnel III Project at Colaba-Bandra –SEEPZ at Mumbai passing right under the premises of two of the holiest Atash Behrams (Fire Temples) of Parsi Zoroastrians at Dhobhi Talao Mumbai.
In this regard, I attended various meetings with the Central Government, state government and Technical Officials of MMRC along with the prominent members of Parsi community.
On October 1, I met Mr. Piyush Goyal, Honourable Minister for Railways in Delhi and briefed him the whole issue. On his advice, I had a meeting with Mrs. Ashwini Bhide, Managing Director, MMRC at Mumbai on October 3, 2018.October 6, meeting held with the Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra in which he said that another meeting will be fixed with the Community Members, Architect and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide, Managing Director of MMRC.
October 9, Meeting held with our Prominent Parsi Members and Mrs. Ashwini Bhide along-with technical officials of MMRC met with Honourable Chief Minister and discussed the issue in detail.
October 10, 2018, I also met Shri Hardeep Singh, Honourable Minister of State Housing & Urban Affairs (Independent Charge) in Delhi and requested him to use his good offices to recommend the re-alignment for about 7 meters as advised by independent tunnelling experts. On my request Honourable Minister has forwarded the recommendation to the Government of Maharashtra so that the sentiments of Parsi community can be saved and respected.
October 15 & 22, 2018:- I had a meeting with Representatives of our Parsi Community and Officials from MMRC along with Mr. S.K. Gupta, Technical Director MMRC in which we discussed the various options of realignment of the project.
The Parsi Community with their own expenses engaged Mr Nicola Della Valle an Independent Tunnelling Consultant Specialized in Mechanized Tunnelling with hard rock TBM and Pressurized shields Partner & Administrator of Tunnel consult Engineering Ltd. As per his reports he has given 8 options for shifting of the tunnel upto 7 m which is technically feasible without any additional cost to MMRC. MMRC on the other hand has agreed for deviation only 3.5 meters inspite of providing them 8 options. These deviation options have been submitted in the High Court of Mumbai. If the MMRC agrees on shifting it will solve the problem of our community and preserve the religious sanctity and spirituality of the Fire temple.
In this regard, on 26th October 2018 I have sent the letter to the Honourable Prime Minister requesting him to kindly send the necessary directions to the State Government for the realignment of Tunnel upto 7m.
Also a request has been sent to the Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra for the appointment in the next week to discuss this issue further.
(Khurshed K Dastoor)
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