‘We, The Doctors’
A Letter From Doctors of the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital
There are only two groups who actually see, know, realize the value, advantages, benefits to the Parsi Community of the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital as also the deficiencies and drawbacks of the Hospital from the ground reality position of living and working in the Hospital every day, every night – 1. the Patients; and 2. the Consultant Doctors.
The Patients are transient and are happy to go back home. We, the Consultant Doctors, have been here, many for well over fifty years, and are happy, proud and feel privileged to work in this Hospital, which has given support, sustenance and healthcare to the Community, and more specifically, to the poor in the community for 107 long years.
With the sky-rocketing price of Medical Care and a dwindling community, the Hospital is under severe financial stress and cannot be equipped or staffed optimally. On the other hand, those who get joy in running it down, should visit General Wards in Public Hospitals and compare how very optimally the poor and needy are treated at our Hospital – totally free, with medication, medical care , investigations, surgery, and all treatments at no cost, in clean, open and cheerful environments. The Hospital is the refuge and sanctuary of the poor and needy, who are cared for, regardless of the Hospital’s dwindling financial resources.
- We are on a steep financial down slope. By the grace of Ahura Mazda, we have been given a life line. A magnanimous offer of Rs. 160 crores to build the Shroff Medical Center in the Hospital Complex, by Mrs. Pervin and Mr. Jal Shroff , who else but a Parsee couple would be so benevolent!
- A tie-up with one of the very best and most prestigious State–Of–The-Art Medical Institutions in the Country – Medanta. We are given a legal assurance that Medanta will equip and manage the Shroff Medical Center for a fixed time frame, with no title and interest in the Shroff Medical Center building, land and complex, merely to manage the Hospital with no hint of alienation of the community property.
During the years Medanta manages the Shroff Medical Center
- Medanta will give an agreed yearly amount to the Hospital and a percentage of gross billable revenue which will help upgrade and run the Hospital with far greater efficiency.
- For all patients for whom the Hospital does not have adequate facilities for investigation and treatment, these patients will be investigated / treated at Medanta totally free / subsidized according to their financial status.
- At the termination of the specified tenure of the agreement, Medanta will hand over the Shroff Medical Center to the Hospital, as is where is.
We the doctors are aware and vocal that the Hospital is poorly equipped to run with total efficiency. Though critical and vocal, we are aware of the ground reality – too small a community to make costly equipment viable, crippled by rising cost and pay structures, for in the end, “Costly thy coat as thy purse can buy”.
Our criticism and ire is constantly directed to the management, but in our hearts we ask, in which land, if any, has one family donated, secured donations, labored, struggled to the utmost limit of their capacity to sustain a Hospital that has served a Community in every aspect of healthcare for 107 years??
We the doctors, fully aware of the shortcoming of our Hospital, do know these are due to unavoidable financial reasons, in spite of the robust efforts of the President and Executive Committee of the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital, behind whom we stand in full support and understanding. We, the Consultant doctors of the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital, are aware that the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital is at the edge of a precipice, its long-term existence is at stake. At stake is the healthcare of the community, specifically of the poor and needy.
This project is facing a time limit. Every project has its naysayers, skeptics, detractors, opponents. We the doctors, beseech them to relook, with a true and open mind, that all aspects of the community welfare are secure, and then be honest and fair and permit the project to go through with their blessings. Please understand that we doctors have no personal stake, but we see and try to help the plight of the community everyday and we know this is the Hospital’s and Community’s last chance for survival. Please do not destroy the Hospital, do not do irreparable harm to the community.
We request both the donors – Mrs. Pervin and Mr. Jal Shroff as also Medanta to extend their time limit till better reason, understanding, good will harmony prevail.
With Kind Regards,
Consultant Doctors,
The B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital:
Dr. F. E. Udwadia | Dr. T. E. Udwadia | |
Dr. D. M. Anklesaria | Dr. K. M. Mody | |
Dr. P. D. Hakim | Dr. (Mrs.) V N Bamboat | |
Dr. R. P. Soonawala | Dr. G. J. Bhagat | |
Dr. (Mrs.) P. P. Hakim | Dr. A. R. Nazir | |
Dr. K. S. Adrianwala | Dr. J. D. Sunavala | |
Dr. B. B. Pardiwala | Dr. S. A. Golwalla | |
Dr. D. D. Nicholson | Dr. S. P. Vatcha | |
Dr. (Mrs.) P. F. Desai | Dr. (Ms.) C. N Dubash | |
Dr. B. B. Ichaporia | Dr. F. J. Master | |
Dr. K. P. Balsara | Dr. P. F. Soonawala | |
Dr. N. K. Tibrewala | Dr. J. J. Bunshah | |
Dr. Z. F. Udwadia | Dr. F. R. Soonawala | |
Dr. (Ms.) A. M. Havewala | Dr. K. B. Kapadia | |
Dr. D. F. Soonawala | Dr. (Mrs.) Daisy V. Jokhi | |
Dr. (Mrs) A. C. Contractor | Dr. (Ms.) Mahinoor Desai | |
Dr. (Mrs.) Anahita Pundole | Dr. Rustom A Mody | |
Dr. K. K. Dadachanji | Dr. (Ms.) Anahita D. Sinor | |
Dr. Khojasteh Dastoor |
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