On 27th April, 2019, the 71st EBZB (East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat) Guides, brought the curtains down on its year-long Silver Jubilee celebrations, with the final event commemorating 25 glorious years of the institution, at The Alexandra Girls’ English Institution. Presiding over the evening’s festivities, which drew an audience of over two hundred people, was Farrah Y. Gustaspi – Principal of The Alexandra Girls’ English Institution.
The entertaining evening saw parents, guides and bulbuls enthusiastically participating in the snack-making competition, scavengers hunt and other games. The highlight of the evening was the campfire, which was lit by passing a torch, starting from Group Leader (Guide) Mackie Majra to Flock Leaders, Guiders, Rangers, Rovers, Guides, Bulbuls, Scouts and Cubs all twenty-five of whom represented their amazing journey through twenty-five, glowing and memorable years.
Mackie Majra said, “I am confident that our group, both the scout troop and guide company will continue to train the children, for many, many years to come, as it is manned by a dedicated band of volunteers who share their time and skill with children, despite their busy personal and professional lives. We now look forward to celebrating the centenary year of our 16th East Bombay Zoroastrian Scouts Group.” In her closing address, she thanked the Management and the Principal for allowing the use of the school premises, as also the parents for encouraging their children to participate in Guiding activities.