From the Editor’s Desk

Dear Readers,

There couldn’t be a more fitting adage to sum up the week than, ‘When it rains, it pours!’ As has been the norm when that happens, and it happens every year, Maximum City continues to record maximum flooding. We could try to put a positive spin on things and simply say it’s the Rain Gods conspiring with the BMC, giving us, holiday-starved Bombayites, a Venice-like experience… that is, assuming you could replace the current, free-flowing Whatsapp images – of half-immersed chugging cars, grunting buses, abandoned two-wheelers and extremely panic-stricken people wading in waist-deep flood waters –  with gondolas.

It’s all in the mind. And the mind can work wonders – it could elevate your existence with wisdom or relegate your presence to nuisance.

Speaking of wisdom, there’s a lesser-known day (ironically), marked out annually, to celebrate its source – called ‘Grandparents Day’, which always falls on Sundays; this year on 8th September. As a Community blessed with a good number of seniors, it would be a great idea to do justice to the strategically placed Grandparents Day, as our dear grandparents and all seniors, deserve so much more of our time and care. (Pg. 11 & Pg. 17)

And now, speaking of nuisance… the usual suspects are at it again, doing what they do best – spawning half-truths and twisted facts to mislead community members. Only this time they decided to rope in Parsi Times as part of their ill-fated strategy, which not just fell flat on its face, but even boomeranged into theirs! Read all about it on Pg. 4. Having started this piece with an adage, let me end with another – you know, the one which says what happens when you point one finger at others…

Have a good, safe weekend!

– Anahita

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