From the Editors Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Together, We Can Do So Much!

Dear Readers,

One of the best aspects about a community is that it empowers us to help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals. When we belong to a community as small and close-knit as ours, ‘strength in numbers’ takes on additional weightage. The true greatness of any community is measured by the compassionate actions of its members, especially when it comes to nurturing the new generation with its ideals, values and culture. Insomuch, this issue of your favourite newsweekly exemplifies how our Community leads the way.

The opening lines of the Grammy-winning, timeless classic, the late Whitney Houston’s, ‘Greatest Love Of All’, go, “I believe the children are our future; Teach them well and let them lead the way…”. With no wisdom truer, it’s delightful and gratifying to see numerous community institutions endeavoring towards imbibing great fundamentals and values in our gen-next to sustain and further our Community’s legacy of greatness.

PT’s Community News section is proud to share some of these.. including the centenary celebrations of the most respected 16th East Bombay Scouts and 71st East Bombay Guides; or XYZ’s Leadership Camp which fosters amongst our tots the importance of camaraderie, community-belonging, team-spirit and more; or Poona Zarthosti Seva Mandal’s latest initiative – ‘Zappy Zoroastrians’. We applaud these and other such establishments – immaterial of size or reach – for their noble intent and effective implementation, which ensures a glorious tomorrow for our community.

Helen Keller’s words ring truer than ever – “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

Have a lovely weekend!

– Anahita

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