It’s Not The Gun, It’s The Hand That Holds It…
Dear Readers,
As if most of us weren’t already over-dosing on various Social Media and Messaging Platforms (SMMPs), these digital services have assumed an even greater significance since the outbreak of the pandemic. And with good reason… these cater to one of our most innate instincts as humans – who thrive as social animals – by keeping us connected at a time when social distancing has become a mandatory norm for our own survival.
And yet, there have been times when these platforms have been misused and abused by those with malicious agendas, by spreading misinformation and lies, and misleading the masses. Add to this the havoc and panic caused, albeit unintentionally, by the irresponsible/lazy users, who blindly forward crucial messages without verification.
But these annoyances fade in the face of the stellar services facilitated by the SMMPs, which bring immense relief and succour to many, locally and globally. In addition to being the foremost enabler in sharing news and information and keeping us connected during this loneliness-inducing, restrictive lockdown, SMMPs do so much more! While WhatsApp is almost everyone’s go-to for messaging and group chats, Twitter has emerged as a leading platform of communicating emergencies with the right authorities – requirements of oxygen, hospital-beds, blood and other life-saving necessities. Its timely communiqués has saved lives!
Zoom has become the digital conference room for those working from home. It’s also the popular choice for conducting webinars, workshops and for live-streaming events that bring together the community – in prayers like Jashans, and in play, like the ‘Online Housie’, which is all the rage these days! Facebook too provides great live entertainment via singers and other talented artists regaling those stuck at home.
Social Media, which was once the bane of many, is the hero of our current times. An analogy comes to mind – it’s not the gun, it’s the hand that holds the gun. Similarly, SMMPs simply display how situations bring out the best (or worst) in us. Here’s a big kudos to all who have come through for others during these tough times. And a special cheer for SMMPs, which share these inspiring tales of goodness and elevate our digital experience!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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