From the Editors Desk

Dear Readers,

And just like that, we find ourselves just about to roll into the month of August! This is one of those times when the phrase, ‘how time flies’, is seen as a welcome blessing. We all want to bide over this historical period of having lived through one of the most devastating of all pandemics ever. We’re waiting to exhale, wishing to settle into this ‘new normal’ and get back to living life with some semblance of familiarity and comfort. 

Social isolation and other mandatory rules have taken a huge psychological toll on most. Many amongst us, in need of a break from living in these cabin-fever-like conditions, for nearly sixteen months now, have been taking short vacations to hill-stations or small travels, to refresh the mind. Though avoidable, it is understandable, and it is hoped that all precautions are practiced most stringently during these jaunts. It will be a while before we’re all vaccinated as a nation and able to move freely, without masks and in groups where we don’t need to count the number of friends or family members who can join us in sharing our joys or griefs.

Till then, we need to follow the mandatory covid appropriate behaviour, as mandated. Even so, let us not lose sight of the here and now of things that we can do to feel better. Don’t let every narrative be controlled by a catastrophic past or the much-awaited future. Our options may be limited, but our spirits are not. As we step into the most auspicious month of August, which heralds our most holy Muktad and the Parsi New Year, let our spirits reinforce our faith in the Universe, in prayer, in goodness and in each other. 

Have a good weekend!

– Anahita

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