On 26th September, 2021, (Mah Ardibeshest, Roj Mohor; YZ 1391), the newly renovated Bennet Bungli (No. 5 and 6) at Doongerwadi, were inaugurated. Two jashans in both halls of the bungli were performed simultaneously by mobeds of Wadiaji Atash Behram. The jashans were arranged by donors – the Calagopi and Adajania families.
The jashan and inauguration of the bunglis was attended by members of the donor families, BPP Chairperson Armaity Tirandaz and Trustees – Viraf Mehta and Xerxes Dastur and BPP staff; WAPIZ Trustees – Khojeste Mistree, Meher Panthaki and WAPIZ CEO – Anahita Desai. BPP Dy-CEO, Shehnaaz Khambatta welcomed the gathering, followed by Anahita Desai speaking about the renovations and the donor families who were felicitated by the BPP Trustees with a plaque and flowers. The donors then unveiled the plaque and cut the ribbon to officially open the Bunglis for use of community members.
This renovation was possible because of the generosity of the Calagopi and Adajania families, who donated towards the complete renovation of the Bennet Bungli, which was in dire need of repairs and renovation. The Calagopi family, headed by patriarch Sam Calagopi, founder and owner of The Zorastrian Homeopathic Pharmacy, took on the responsibility of this big project. His daughter, Dhun, and son-in-law, Porus Vakshoor – both architects, undertook the planning, designing and supervision of the project, making it more spacious and user-friendly. WAPIZ partnered with the donor families in this project. Doongerwadi’s dynamic manager, Vistaspar Mehta, shared many helpful suggestions which were incorporated in the layout.
To bungli looks transformed with the entire roof-work redone and top-of-the-line equipment used to ensure its longevity. Old partition walls were brought down, making the living area for the relatives spacious with a redone toilet/bath and a small kitchenette area. A small room with a sink was created in the main hall of the bungli for the bhanvana vasan and for washing the Uthamna flowers. A wheel-chair friendly ramp has been installed, with new announcement boards outside bunglis made of material that will not rot in the rainwater. Stoppers and handles are of antique finish to complement the vintage doors and windows. Everything has been implemented to ensure longevity of the Bungli.
The contractor – Khushru put in long hours, working through the lockdown to ensure perfect supervision.
His workmanship, planning, detailing supervision and execution of the design by Architects Dhun and Porus Vakshoor is worthy of appreciation.
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