Doongerwadi has witnessed many burglaries over the years, as also complaints of anti-social elements misusing the Doongerwadi premises. Unauthorised outsiders coming and parking their cars was another issue needed to be addressed. In keeping with constant appeals by community members to install cameras, Anahita Yazdi Desai approached Soonu Buhariwalla offices for donation, which the generous donor willingly catered to. Permission was granted by the BPP Trustees and the work was supervised by Doongerwadi Manager Vistaspar Mehta and Anahita Desai.
As Doongerwadi is our most sacred land, utmost care was taken to ensure that no cameras were facing any of the bunglis or were placed in any area that could potentially hurt anyone’s religious sentiments.
The cameras in the photographs are positioned for capturing images of the main gate, the approach road from the main gate going up to the main car park, and a little of the road going towards the lower bunglis. The other cameras are positioned to cover the parking area. No area near any of the bunglis is covered by any camera.