Much To Look Forward To!
Dear Readers,
There is indeed much to look forward to, as we prepare ourselves and our homes, to once again welcome the sprightly Spring season, marked by the celebration of the most auspicious Jamshedi Navroz – just a few days away now! Our hearts bloom alongside the lush trees and flora, knowing that this year the celebrations will be that much more special, as we finally start bidding – what we hope will be the final adieu – to the long, dark Covid Winter, which had for too long, ebbed our spirits and our celebrations.
Yes indeed! This Spring ushers in an added spring in our steps, knowing that we are not as restricted in terms of mobility or meeting up with our loved ones. There is much to be grateful for and even more to look forward to! But in this (much-warranted) frenzy, let us spare some time, thought and effort for our less privileged community members, and also give them reason to look forward to some of that happiness and excitement, that we all deserve in equal measure.
And ensure to get your hands on our Jamshedi Navroz Special bumper issue next week! As always, it will put you in the perfect mood to welcome the advent of Spring! Our array of brilliant writers and features promises to make you smile, laugh, reflect and of course, feel much gratitude for belonging to this glorious community, which not just partakes in every celebration possible, but even celebrates our own occasions twice over (just like our famous ‘Parsi peg’ which is usually twice the size of the ordinary ones!) – based on the English dates as well as that based on the ‘Roj’.
Here’s looking forward to all things merry and fun and compassionate!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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