– Putting The ‘TRUST’ In Trustee –
“It has been my pleasure to Propose Kersi Randeria’s candidature to the Board of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet.
I have known Kersi over the last three decades, much before his foray into the BPP. I have always found him to be a congenial individual, pleasant and ever ready to listen patiently to people and their problems without ever being bothered about time. He is most certainly a “Go To Person” who one can rely on, whenever a problem arises.
In his 6.5 years tenure on the Board, he has proved his commitment to the community, and has been “hands on” worker, dedicated, and very focused. We need such people on the Board, people who genuinely work and feel for the community especially the poor.
I have found Kersi to definitely be such a person for I have seen him delve into his own pockets whenever the need has arisen.
It has indeed been a pleasure and a privilege to have Proposed Kersi Randeria’s candidature.
Good Luck Kersi – With You all the way!”
– Ms. Mithoo Jesia
“I have seconded the candidature of Kersi J Randeria for several reasons. To begin with, he is genuinely passionate about his duties as a trustee of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet. I have closely observed his style of working and it has left me impressed and in awe.
He comes to Board Meetings after diligently doing his ‘home-work’, always prepared. I have not seen any other trustee read case files with as much interest and dive into as much depth and detail, as Kersi does. When occasionally a beneficiary or any stakeholder tries to hide facts, it is Kersi’s diligence that comes to the rescue of the Board in making the right decision.
Kersi has deep knowledge and understanding in matters related to Housing. In fact, for more than a decade before he became a trustee of the BPP in 2015, he was on the Housing Advisory Committee of the BPP and even back then, he was the champion of the proverbial ‘underdogs’, and always stood and fought for the rights of the poor, needy and homeless.
Kersi sometimes comes across as obstinate. But I see this as his strength rather than his weakness. He does not waver, nor does he compromise on his core beliefs and values. He is probably the only trustee who has stood his ground (even if that made / makes him unpopular in certain quarters) and maintained his pre-election stand of October 2015 all throughout his tenure – that charity flats are for the poor, needy and deserving and not meant to be auctioned to the rich, who can afford it.
It takes strength and courage to stay so unwavering and unwilling to compromise on your principles. It’s the hallmark of a Patriot (BPP Loyalist) and not a voter-pleasing politician.
Behind Kersi’s seemingly hard exterior, I have also seen his rather soft and emotional heart. He neither suffers fools, nor those who try to fool the BPP and take advantage of the BPP trust.
With his vast business experience, he has amazing negotiation skills. Whether it is negotiating with the trade union or a vendor, Kersi gets the best deal for the BPP.
While I am genuinely happy to see clean and like-minded new aspirants like Hoshi Jal, Dara Patel and Adil Malia come forward and also voluntarily align themselves with Kersi, it is important that Kersi gets the opportunity to serve for a second term, so as to maintain continuity and to ensure that incomplete projects of the BPP are completed seamlessly.
In Kersi, I see qualities of genuine passion and sincerity combined with vast knowledge and experience.
While BPP does need fresh blood, it also needs a strong and reliable sitting trustee like Kersi to guide and assist new trustees and ensure seamless succession on the BPP Board. It is important that newcomers on the BPP Board get properly oriented and are not misguided or misled internally or externally by mischievous elements.
I whole heartedly endorse the candidature of Kersi J Randeria. Your vote for Kersi is a vote for strength, sincerity and service on the BPP Board.
– Noshir H. Dadrawala
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