With the basic aim of ‘Building Trust, Rebuilding Credibility’, Team CTC, comprising Kersi Randeria, Dr. Adil Malia, Lion Daara Patel, Hoshang Jal and Er. CA Farhad Hozdar, shares its Vision via its ‘10 Commandments’, broadly covering its Objectives as under:
- HOUSING: Even as Housing is a much discussed and much debated subject and for obvious reasons the first item in everyone’s agenda, Housing is a priority for Team CTC. We are fully committed to solve the critical housing problems by working at different levels. The primary goal is to within a very short period, to put out an all-encompassing, new Housing policy which will address the concerns of ALL sections of community – be it the extremely poor, the middle class, the young, couples whose incomes are higher than those benchmarked by the BPP to qualify for Housing, as well as those living in congested circumstances or have been in the waiting list for long period of time.
Housing also needs to be affordable, tenable and secure. CTC is committed to re-starting all pending Housing projects and commencing new projects. Allotment of Housing will primarily be on need basis and in line with the desires of the Donors and Settlors.
We will also address the concerns of those from outside Mumbai and decide upon how much priority is to be given to such applicants who many wish to move from distant places to Mumbai. Team CTC will ensure complete transparency in terms of Housing policies and allotments.
- MITIGATION, NOT LITIGATION: Team CTC is committed to reducing the number of litigations, and with the help of senior legal advisors, find ways and means, to reduce the cost of litigation for BPP as well as to reduce the burden on beneficiaries in legal disputes with the BPP. The team is committed to fighting only those legal cases which will be in the benefit of the Trust. ‘Mitigation rather than Litigation’ is the motto of the team.
- L&L V/s TENANCIES: Team CTC is committed to constitute a team of experts, which will include Senior Legal Luminaries, Tax Experts, Charity Law Experts, Social Workers, amongst others to study and put forward a time-bound plan and to deliver on the same, keeping in mind the laws of the land, the objectives of the Trust and the critical and all-important Parsi Only covenant, as desired by the original donors and settlers. Team CTC favours such conversion if advised on a ‘PMCF’ (Poor and Middle Class First) basis.
- ELDER CARE: Team CTC is committed to exploring the possibility of donor-driven, self-financing homes for elders in BPP properties as well as at alternative sites. This will offer our seniors the opportunity to spend their twilight years in comfort and dignity. We will also look at institutionalizing several care-taking programs for our Seniors, which includes providing Affordable Medications, Subsidized Mediclaim Programs and setting up a Support Chain where our youth can participate in providing support and security for the needs of our elders staying alone.
- PROTECTING THE SANCTITY AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DOONGERWADI, ITS TWO AGIARIES AS WELL AS ALL OTHER PARSI PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURES: Team CTC is committed to maintaining and improving the three properties under it – namely the Doongerwadi and its two Agiaries; as also, properties through the good offices of the FPZAI and those in conjunction with other Parsi Charitable Trusts. The Team will ensure to protect these properties from encroachment and put these properties to the best possible use, in the interest of the community.
- TALENT DEVELOPMENT OF OUR YOUTH & RESERVATIONS IN EDUCATION: Our future depends squarely on the shoulders of our bright youth. We plan to invest in their preparation through early identification processes. Team CTC commits to put in all processes, programs, mentoring and coaching required to give our bright youngsters a sharp talent edge. This is over and above the efficient running of existing programs supporting education subsidies, loans etc for our youth. Team CTC is committed to work along with a network of our collective relationships, to try and derive Protective Education Reservations in seats for academic institutions.
- ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT: Team CTC is also committed to relook at all the shops and other establishments which come under the BPP, and try and allot these to our budding entrepreneur youngsters, for definite time-frames, under a well-discussed, open and transparent policy that will be framed for the use and allotment of such establishments.
- REKINDLING THE FAITH OF OUR YOUTH IN OUR RELIGION, TRADITIONS, CULTURE AND HISTORY: Team CTC is committed to initiate youth-engagement programs to further explore our religion, traditions, history and culture in a sustained manner, alongside building their careers and living happy lives.
- COMMITTED TO WORK TOGETHER AS ONE UNITED BOARD:Team CTC commits to work with trustees with different ideologies and thought process with a positive, open and solution-oriented outlook. We are committed to work together, irrespective of the differences of opinion that may exist between Trustees. We strongly believe in ‘Agree to Disagree’ and ‘Mitigate, Not Litigate’, and instead of fighting and/or litigating, we will find a way to solve the issues over a cup of tea, and refrain from taking our discussions and disagreements public via social media platforms or to the press.
- GOVERNANCE: Team CTC is committed to providing Governance in strict compliance with the principles of Probity, Accountability, Transparency and Inclusiveness. We look forward to hold regular meetings with community members and encourage greater involvement, to visit Baugs and colonies and hold Samastha Anjuman Meetings at least once a year.