Er. Hormazd Khushnoor Jijina achieved a historic milestone, becoming the first Indian in two decades to win the FCF Pro Belt in the Senior category, at the 17th World Cup Championships, which were held in Russia. Eighteen countries participated in the competition which was organised by the International Federation of Full Contact Fighting MMA.
Hormazd Jijina’s golden victory over his Iranian opponent was particularly significant, marking his successful international debut in Full Contact and securing a gold medal. Team India (KJ Warriors) also demonstrated exceptional performances by Shubham, Anthony Fernandes and Adrian Fernandes, winning gold and silver medals in their respective weight classes. Hormazd’s achievement, coupled with the team’s overall success, exemplifies their unwavering dedication and diligent training. This outstanding achievement by the KJ Warriors team has garnered national recognition and respect.
Hormazd’s trainer and father – Khushnoor Jijina, who heads ‘Khush Judo and MMA Academy’, also won the ‘Best Coach’ Award. Indeed, a proud moment for not just the community but the country! Heartiest congratulations to Hormazd and Khushnoor Jijina, as well as team KJ Warriors!
- ઉજવણીની સાચી ભાવના! - 15 March2025
- નવરોઝ અને શાહ જમશીદની દંતકથા - 15 March2025
- મારું સ્વાસ્થ્ય મારી જવાબદારી છે! - 15 March2025