On 25th January, 2025, the students of the Dadar Athornan Institute (DAI ) or the Dadar Madressa, embarked on a special journey. For the first time, they visited the M.F. Cama Athornan Institute, or the Andheri Madressa. These two institutions, the only Zoroastrian residential madressas for priests, have worked side by side for decades, providing high-quality priestly education to children of Zoroastrian priests.
This one-day field trip was organized by the DAI and Empowering Mobeds to familiarize students with the grandeur of the Cama Institute, a cherished community asset. Established in 1922 by Meherwanji Cama in memory of his father Mancherji Faramji Cama, the institute was founded with a generous donation of Rs. 25 lakhs.
The Empowering Mobeds team, consisting of Binaifer and Karl Sahukar, along with Er. Firdaus Pavri, joined the staff and students at the Dadar Institute. Accompanied by Principal Er. Dr. Ramiyar P. Karanjia and Bhantar teachers Er. Kersi T. Karanjia and Er. Eric J. Dastur, along with their wives, the group arrived at the Cama Institute at 10:00 AM. They were warmly welcomed by Managing Trustee, Camaji Cama, who was delighted to see so many Athornan students at the institute after a long time.
A short program highlighted the history and contributions of the Andheri Institute. Er. Dr. Karanjia spoke about the long-standing relationship between the two institutes and their shared mission of training priests to perform higher rituals such as Yasna, Vendidad, and Nirangdin. He expressed hope for the continued growth of both institutions and thanked Trustees Er. Burjorji Antia and Camaji Cama for their support.
Camaji Cama expressed his pleasure at the students’ visit and encouraged them to take up the performance of higher rituals. When asked who aspired to perform the Nirangdin ritual in the future, at least five students raised their hands, which was heartening. Following this, Er. Kersi Karanjia, the ex-Principal of the Cama Institute and presently the senior Bhantar teacher at Dadar, shared further insights about the Institute, and his tenure as a Principal, post which Er. Farzad Ravji (Empowering Mobed), briefed everyone with anecdotes about how both his father, now Dasturji Kaekhushru Ravji, and himself studied at the same Cama Institute.
Er. Firdaus Pavri from Empowering Mobeds spoke about the time his father Rohinton spent at the Cama Institute and how, he was brought to the Institute by his widowed mother with literally just the clothes he wore, due to poverty, and how the then Principal, Dr. Peshotan Anklesaria requested the students to contribute clothes for him, and within an hour, his trunk was full!
The students explored the impressive premises, marvelled at the institute’s architecture, and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. The most solemn part of the trip was the offering of Rapithwan geh Machi and Sukhad to the Dadgah Saheb of the Cama Institue by Er. Kersi Karanjia. Later, all present participated in a Ham-bandagi. Er. Meher Modi, Er. Porus Katrak and others from Empowering Mobeds provided refreshments while Rohinton Patel and Fardun Mistry from Cama Institute ensured excellent organization.
The children then played games post which the trip concluded with a joyful bus ride back home, leaving the students with an enriching experience and memories to cherish for a lifetime.
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