Some of the best stories ever written are about women, by women! Those who say women are the weaker sex are incredibly naïve! Women are the very epitome of strength and resilience. While being the precious glue that binds all things tender and beautiful, women are raised to put another’s needs before their own, thus developing an empathetic field of compassion and kindness.
A woman is awesomeness rolled into different capacities – wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc. If you have a strong woman by your side, know that your life, by some unwittingly good past karma, has been made so much more blessed and easier. Never ever mistake a women’s softness for weakness – she can be all tender and compliant one moment, yet fierce and firm the next! The intricate workings of a woman’s mind can be perplexing. She hungers for peace but deals with storms and chaos on most days. The amazing beauty of how much she juggles and works, is rarely noticed.
Most men, unfortunately the ones closest to her, equate her abilities and skill set to something mundane and ordinary. The moment a good woman feels devalued or disrespected, its goodbye – she may not leave you legally or physically, but once she stops to care, she becomes emotionally detached. When a good woman stops caring, it’s time for some deep reflection. She is humble enough to know she is replaceable, but innately smart to know it’s going to be a surefire downgrade for you!
From time immemorial, women have found themselves being shortchanged. All they want is to attract someone who speaks their language, so they don’t have to spend an entire lifetime translating their soul. Sadly, its only a lot later in life that most women come to the realization that one simply can’t please everyone all the time. Till then, she gets affected by what others say… If you put on weight, people think you eat too much, if you lose weight, people think you’re sickly; If you’re well-dressed, you are showing off, if you dress simply you are dowdy; If you’re serious, you’re boring, if you are funny, you’re immature; if you speak your mind, you’re rude; if you’re single, you are lonely, if you’re successful you are arrogant, and so on. She finally learns that no matter what she does, people will criticize her and so she’s learnt to live on her own terms.
Living authentically will have people misunderstand you and that’s ok too. The people who matter will always be around no matter what your choices. The people who desert and bail on you, really never deserved you anyway. Stop chasing their approval over your own happiness. At the end, it’s about you – if you cannot do you, no one else will! Pay attention to who checks in on you when you get quiet. Those are your people. Those are your champions, and that is your tribe.
As a woman of today, be present. Be bold. Be limitless. In short, be YOU! To the woman you’ve been in the past, I say, “I love you.” To the woman you are today, say, “You deserve a pat on the back and I am proud of you,” and to the woman you will be, say, “I’m truly excited for you as you set off on the next decade of adventures!”
Strong women never apologize for their strength and courage. Only a strong man can handle a strong woman. The weak will say she has an attitude and unrealistic expectations. Men who fear strength need to take permanent residency on their mama’s laps! Just like an eagle, a woman is known for her ability to rise above challenges. But what truly sets her apart is the instinct to adapt and renew, with age. Eagles go through the process where they shed old feathers to grow stronger ones – this transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, resilience and trust in nature’s process. Similarly, women too must shed what no longer serves us. Old habits, limiting beliefs and past failures must be released, so one can grow into one’s own stronger version.
Remember, transformation isn’t about breaking, it’s about evolving. All you need is to believe in yourself. A strong woman never ever gives up. She may need a good cry or a day in bed, but like the proverbial phoenix, she will rise and come back stronger than before! Here’s wishing all the lovely women a Happy Woman’s Day!
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