Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth:

January (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Card: Magician): Your health will go in peak state. You need to stop worrying about little things – these are a part of life. A little compromise on your end will make everything fine. Financial support is on the cards.

February (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: World): You are in your karmic phase – hence remember: ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’, as the answer to questions. Find a solution for your sleepless nights. A fun time is predicted. You have to learn to accept changes in life.

March (Lucky No. 10; Lucky Card: Wheel Of Fortune): This is the month of hard work and putting in a lot of overtime at work. Life will seem like a challenge as you may have to face unfavourable situations, but these are temporary and things will get better. Remember, change is a must.

April (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Card: Sun): This is the perfect time to forge new partnership. Marriage is on the cards. Don’t over think. You know where your destination lies but are in search of the right path.

May (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Card: High Priestess): You need to work on getting rid of the negative feelings in your head. Don’t feel alienated or neglected. Financial stability is predicted. Only you can help yourself to come out of unfavourable situations.

June (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): Marriage is on the cards! Name, fame and victory – all good things are coming your way! You will find ample emotional support surrounding you. You may need to juggle a bit to balance a situation.

July (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): Follow your intuition this month. Be cautious as you could be the victim of back-stabbing this month. You need to embrace reality, so break your illusions and understand that everything that glitters is not gold.

August (Lucky No. 3; Lucky Card: Empress): You need to shoulder your responsibilities, not run away from them. Work out the confusions in your mind. Health looks good. Your divine healing has already started.

September (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Card: Lovers): Learn to distinguish between a cheater and someone who is loyal to you. Draw a fine line between these. This is a good time to start new ventures. Financially, this is a great month for you.

October (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Card: Strength): Keep in mind that nothing but change is permanent in life, so learn to go with the flow. Move on in life, don’t hold on to the past. You are advised to bathe with rock salt to keep negativity away.

November (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Card: Hierophant): A fab month ahead for you – bright, with all the luck, love and happiness. Enjoy it to its fullest. Don’t complain about the smaller things that are absent and learn to appreciate and enjoy what you have.

December (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Justice): This month could pose a slight cash liquidity issue as your finances could get stuck for a short time. You are advised to be careful in making your investments. Don’t make any decisions based on fear or anxiety.

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