A WZCC Webinar Featuring Sam Balsara and Lara Balsara Vajifdar WZCC- Building the Spirit of Entrepreneurship, Dubai Chapter, organized a webinar on 19th December, 2020, titled, ‘Surviving and Thriving – Against All odds’ with charismatic speakers – the dynamic Chairman of Madison World – Sam Balsara and the inspirational Executive Director of Madison World – […]
Category: Religion
Let Us Be The Harbingers Of Good Will To All
Let not my faith in human nature be ever shaken, even when man falters and fails. My faith in human nature strengthens my faith in Thee. I see Thy image, Creator of mine, in myself, but so is it in my neighbor, also. Thou art enthroned in every human heart. Let us then, meet one […]
What A Blessed Year!
“Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the load seem heavy that you are called to bear? Count your many blessing angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journeys end. Count your blessings name them one by one Count your blessings see what God has done Count your blessings […]
Let Us Be All The World To One Another
From the time that the journey of his life begins, man likes not to be lonely in life. Crushing is the burden of solitude. Heavy is the load of life, if all alone he has to bear it. It weighs down man’s spirit. Often does the firmament overcast and the clouds gather over his head […]
Teshtar Tir Yazad (The Yasht Series)
I invite you to join me as I journey through the wonderful teachings shared in a Khordeh Avesta, which was printed in 1902 – more than a 100 years ago! Authored by Dinbai Sohrabji Engineer, the teachings, stories and notes in this book speak about the various powers of our prayers, while sharing anecdotes of […]
Mah Bokhtar Mah Yazad Beresad – II (The Yasht Series)
I invite you to join me as I journey through the wonderful teachings shared in a Khordeh Avesta, which was printed in 1902 – more than a 100 years ago! Authored by Dinbai Sohrabji Engineer, the teachings, stories and notes in this book speak about the various powers of our prayers, while sharing anecdotes of […]
A Robust And Virile Race Cannot Be Reared In The Slums
Life seldom gives as much as we want. Often it gives us less than what we deserve. To many it gives not anything at all. The poor live a life of grinding toil. By day and by night they work to keep starvation at bay. Ill-clad, ill-fed, and ill-housed, they wear out their bodies and […]
Mah Bokhtar Mah Yazad Beresad (The Yasht Series)
May The Blessings Of The Gentle Beatific Moon Shower Upon Us! I invite you to join me as I journey through the wonderful teachings shared in a Khordeh Avesta, which was printed in 1902 – more than a 100 years ago! Authored by Dinbai Sohrabji Engineer, the teachings, stories and notes in this book speak […]
Death Knows No Time, Nor Respects Rank
Thou hast built the earthly house of clay for man’s soul. When at death man is taken to his rest, the body that was of earth, returns to earth and the soul soars to the heavenly heights. To immortality will he go, when he departs this life, when his robe of clay is rent in […]
Let Me Be Thy Herald To The Poor, Ahura Mazda
We live in the midst of the anomalies of life, with riotous riches on the one hand and grinding poverty on the other. The noblest persons that have walked this earth have given their food to the hungry and the starving and have themselves gone without it. Pious souls vowed to live in willful poverty. […]
Help Me To Make My Mark In Life, Ahura Mazda
Let me take the world as it comes to me and make the most of my life, no matter in what condition of life, Thou, my Creator, has called me. There are more good things of life in the world than my eyes can feast on. Life gives me more than I give to life. […]