As the world around us comes to a standstill with the virtually global lockdown, physical activity gets restricted, taking a toll on your fitness. However, you can continue being fit and focus your pent-up energy with a productive fitness routine. The coronavirus shutdown doesn’t necessarily have to translate to bulging waistlines just because gyms and […]
Tag: 28th March 2020
Caption This – 28th March
Calling all our readers to caption this picture! The wittiest caption will win a fabulous prize! Send in your captions at by 1st April, 2020. WINNER: Puppy: Compared to humans, am I not wiser? Look, I’ve diligently used ‘SOAP and SANITIZER’!“ By Hoofriz Dotiwalla
Coronavirus, Earthquakes And Tsunamis Are Nature’s ‘Tandav’
We know the physical causes that lead to earthquakes and tsunamis, but there are more subtle spiritual issues involved, based on the Karmic principle, that all right actions bring joy, while wrong actions bring grief. When wrong actions reach an extreme, it leads to massive destruction (pralaya) bringing about an en-masse settlement (group-karma) of human […]
Manisha Koirala Plays Parsi Mum In ‘Maska’
Actor Manisha Koirala is seen in the role of an archetypal Parsi mother in the oncoming Netflix original film – ‘Maska’. Maska will show Manisha as the eccentric and extremely protective Parsi mother, whose son, Rumi (a confused millennial who dreams of becoming a movie star until his girlfriend knocks sense into him), has gone […]
Two Young Zarthostis Ordained Martab In New York, USA
Two young Ervads from New York and New Jersey recently completed their second level of priestly training or Martab, by performing the Venidad ceremony after a nine-day nahn (purification). The Martab was completed in two different Agiaries in Mumbai. Ervad Porus Cyrus Pavri, son of Yasmin and Ervad Cyrus Pavri, completed his Martab ceremony at the […]
Little Hearts Preschool Celebrates Annual Concert Day
The Little Hearts Preschool held its Annual Concert on 11th March, 2020 at The Mumbai Marathi Sahitya Sangh Auditorium, celebrating ‘Happiness’ as the theme. The spectacular show was put up by 140 children, all under four years of age, whose performances were much appreciated by a cheerful audience of around 400 parents, grandparents and […]
Lions Club (Byculla) Donates Medicines To Udvada’s Damanwalla Charitable Dispensary
On 15th March, 2020, the Lions Clubs International, Lions Club of Byculla, donated medicines worth Rs. 80,000/- to MC Damanwalla Charitable Dispensary in Udvada, coordinated by Secretary-General, Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association (IDMA), Lion Daara B. Patel via IDMA members – Alkem Laboratories; Cachet Pharmaceuticals; Centaur Pharmaceuticals and Corona Remedies. Catering to about 60 to 70 patients daily, […]
2020 FEZANA AGM in Sacramento Postponed
Due to the current health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, the FEZANA AGM 2020, originally scheduled for May 1-3, has been postponed, after careful consideration with the AGM hosts, Sacramento Zoroastrian Association, and following guidance from federal, state and local authorities. THE AGM has been rescheduled for the last weekend of August – from August […]
Keep The Faith Alive!
Daisy P. Navdar is a teacher by profession and a firm believer in the efficacy of our Manthravani. She is focused on ensuring that the deep significance of our prayers is realized by our youth. She credits her learnings and insights, shared in her articles, to all Zoroastrian priests and scholars whose efforts have contributed […]
YOUTH-SPEAK: Assume Less, Work Harder!
I wish to share how the power of assumption can lead you through negativity and won’t let you succeed in life. There’s nothing we can do about it ‘when’ we take impulsive decisions, but merely burry ourselves in regrets. But we just settle and take a deep breath to alleviate ourselves from all the toxic […]
TechKnow With Tantra: Google Earth
From the makers of Google Maps, Google Earth helps you explore the whole world from above with satellite imagery and 3D terrain of the entire globe and 3D buildings in hundreds of cities around the world. Zoom to your house or anywhere else then dive in for a 360° perspective with Street View. Set off […]