From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

It’s Finally Here!!  Dear Readers, 12th January, 2021 marked a day of great pride and glory for our community and the nation, as Serum Institute India (SII), the world’s largest producer of vaccines (in terms of volume) marked India’s highly anticipated entry into taking on the pandemic, as three truckloads, filled with the much awaited […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Celebrating The True Essence Of Christmas 2020 Dear Readers, There’s precious little that hasn’t been redefined to fall in line with the new normal, as we live through the globally disruptive novel coronavirus pandemic. The world’s most celebrated festival – Christmas – is no exception. But while the superfluous symbolism of Christmas will be greatly […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

Stay Connected, Stay Happy! . Dear Readers, We live in a world that’s constantly overflowing with an overload of information from all areas – advertisements, social media, as also from personal and professional fronts. The information we receive from social media platforms has reached another level, especially during the pandemic when only the latest information […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Dear Readers, As expected, and as had been predicted earlier by healthcare professionals, there has been a constant surge in the number of cases testing positive for the Coronavirus, calling for that many more appointments with the doctor. And with October marking a change in season, there will be a greater number of people falling […]