WZCC (Pune) Holds Networking Night

The Pune chapter of WZCC held its Quarterly Members’ Night on 16th February, 2019, at Hotel Panchratna. Packed to capacity, the evening began with Chairman Tehmasp Bharucha welcoming the members and guests. The RBL Bank, who partly sponsored the evening’s program, shared a well-received promotional presentation. Mahrukh Bharucha, the Immediate Past Chairperson, introduced the keynote […]

Parsi Women Fly High

Throughout the Parsi-Zoroastrian history, Parsi women have all been high achievers – in Persia and India, and globally too! We had Artemisia of Halicarnassus (485 BCE) – Admiral of the Persian Navy and a lover of Xerxes I; there was Pantea Arteshbod (Aryash) – Commander of the legendary Immortal Army known as Persian Immortals or […]