Zerbanoo Gifford Honours Timeless Legacies Of Extraordinary Zoroastrians With ‘Influential Zoroastrians’ Exhibition In London

One of the leading global personalities of our worldwide Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian community, the much- accomplished President of the ‘World Zoroastrian Organisation’ (WZO) – Zerbanoo Gifford, has always endeavoured and succeeded in furthering the legacy and glory of our blessed community. Her most recent initiative includes hosting an extraordinary exhibition with illustrated panels, titled, ‘Influential Zoroastrians’, […]

Dear Readers,   Nothing binds a community more than its youth coming together for the common purpose aimed towards its growth and success. This need for the convergence of youth becomes that much more amplified when the community is as minuscule as ours. This is why Parsi Times is always delighted to proudly celebrate the […]