February 14 is celebrated the world over as ‘Mush Day’, also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine Valentine’s Day or more popularly, simply, Valentine’s Day. It celebrates one of the noblest of all the human emotions and virtues – Love. Indeed a foul-word, but so sweet, so noble. Soft to hear, neither gross nor […]
Tag: Mumbai
The PT PUNdit
On the Occasion of Valentine’s Day, Here’s what the PT PUNdit has to say… Valentine’s Day Tips By The PT PUNdit Some of us are born flirts, But the rest of us aren’t the as-evolved twirps… You see love is simple – it doesn’t need a perfect plan, Over-planning could result in our young Bawis […]
TechKnow With Tantra: Swiggy – Food Order And Delivery
Swiggy is one of the simplest and most efficient online food ordering app, offering you a choice range of delicacies from top restaurants near you. It also lets you track your order’s status from the restaurant to your doorstep! What’s more – there’s no minimum order value, and you can avail offers and discounts that the […]
LCB (Cuffe Parade) Executes Project At SEC
Lions Club of Bombay (Cuffe Parade), under the guidance of Lion Arnavaz Pithawalla executed a need based project at SEC (Society for the Education of the Crippled) Day School, on 24th January 2018. The club donated essential school items worth Rs. 1,33,000/-, including two computers donated by District Chairperson Lion Jeroo Contractor and two water purifiers […]
Your Monthly Numero-Tarot
. January (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Justice): Happiness, success and peace is on the plate for this month. Justice is on the cards. Legal matters will get sorted out soon. Your self-confidence is the key to your success. February (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): Financial support will be available this month. Any problematic situations […]
Does Love Come With A Seven-Year Expiry Date?
There is a school of thought which says that seven years is a turning point in romantic relationships, especially marriage. So is the fabled seven-year itch for real? It was the title of a 1955 Marilyn Monroe film in which she seduces her married neighbour. Films are fiction, pure entertainment. But today, there’s an unsettling […]
LCCP Organises Seniors Interactive Session
The Lioness Club Of Cuffe Parade (LCCP) organised an informative and interactive session with Guest Speaker and Parsi Times Assistant Editor, Delaveen Tarapore on 29th January, 2017, at PVM Gymkhana. Introduced by PRO Chairperson, Roshan Bulsara, Delaveen highlighted how the void between the seniors and the current generation can be bridged using technology, especially mobile […]
Register Now For The 11th World Zoroastrian Congress [Perth, WA from 1st to 4th June, 2018]
Brandishing the motto, ‘Together Towards Tomorrow’, the 11th WZC will host and celebrate the coming together of Zoroastrians from all over the world, with the aim of providing a global platform which offers the perfect balance of business opportunities and a fun, stress-free time with family, and an itinerary conducive to offering the best of […]
Nekzaad Shines At Taekwon-Do and Karate Championship
Martial arts prodigy , Nekzaad Aspi Olpadwalla secured a Gold medal in ‘Poomsae’ (demonstration) and Bronze in ‘Sparring’ (competition) at the recently concluded ‘International Taekwon-Do and Karate Championship’ held from 26th to 28th January, 2018, at Green Park resort, Virar. The event was chaired by Grandmasters, Kim Young Ho of South Korea and Ron Branner of […]
Decay Of Morals Brings Dissolution Of Society
. Zarathushtra inculcates the simplicity of life and our early ancestors were brought up in simple habits of life. They lived a frugal, contented, and a happy life. When they became conquerors of vast territories and built the mightiest empires of their days, the influx of riches from conquered countries bred in them lassitude, a […]
‘Cusrow Baug’ Champions At 3rd All-Parsis Football Tourney
The Cusrow Baug United Sports and Welfare League concluded its 3rd All Parsis Annual Floodlit Football Tournament, from 15th to 21st January, 2018, with twelve teams from Mumbai participating in the 8-a-side tournament. The first semi-final witnessed team ‘Cusrow Baug-A’ beat ‘Petit Boys’ with 9 goals, thanks to a hat-trick by Cusrow Baug player, Farzaad […]