Kadimi Saal Mubarak!

Throughout recorded history, Persians have been keen on the idea and importance of a calendar. The first fully preserved calendar belongs to the Achaemenid period.  In fact, ancient Persians were among the earliest cultures to use a solar calendar, instead of a lunar calendar. The sun, after all, was a religious and divine symbol of […]

Caption This – 9th July

Calling all our readers to caption this picture! Winning Caption and Winner’s Name Will Be Published Next Week. Send in your captions at editor@parsi-times.com by 13th July 2022. WINNER:   JOHNSON: How insensitive of our people to so unceremoniously boot us! TRUMP: Just thank your lucky stars, they didn’t ceremoniously shoot us! By Dezadd Dotiwalla 

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Times Of Change  Dear Readers, The one thing that is impossible to escape in these times is the overwhelming change that we’ve had to deal with – it’s taking place everywhere, at all levels, and very, very conspicuously. I doubt humanity has ever been subject to as many elements of change, simultaneously, before this. Be […]

Parsi Pride Brigade

Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Shining and Successful Future to our Young Guns… Kudos Kenisha!!  16-year-old Kenisha Jilla from Hyderabad, studying at Villa Marie College, secured 96.2% in the Intermediate exams, standing fourth in her college. Daughter of proud parents Binaz and Raishad Jilla, Kenisha scored an excellent 10-on-10 GPA in her tenth […]

TechKnow With Tantra: Wizdom: Self Growth & Book Insights

Wizdom brings you insights from the world’s best books, courses, podcasts, publications and more, in a first-of-its-kind, Audio Immersive Experience, with music and sound effects, which makes learning more engaging. Wizdom also contains Ideagram – an enriching social media feed that helps you grow through excellent insights. Non-fiction bestsellers are summarized in 15-minutes with immersive audio […]

International Academy of Neurosurgical Anatomy Honours Dr. Keki Turel

On 21st June, 2022, Professor Dr. Keki Turel was felicitated by the prestigious International Academy of Neurosurgical Anatomy (IANA) for his lifetime achievements, during its third global webinar. Having dedicated four decades in the intricate field of Neurosurgery, Dr. Keki Turel is the Managing Trustee at Mumbai Institute of Neurosciences; the Consultant Neurosurgeon, Chairman Emeritus, […]