Marazban Colony’s Paras Daruwala, Astad And Afrid Palkhiwalla Felicitated For Team India’s Victory In Direct Volleyball Tourneys

Direct Volleyball Tournaments in Parsi colonies goes back over a century and the Marazban Colony team has a history to boast of, having been playing this game for ages and winning numerous inter-colony events. But this time the Marazban colony team outdid itself, going beyond inter-colony matches, as three young and promising sportsmen from this […]


The Biggest Teacher Of All! Dear Readers, Undoubtedly, education is the cornerstone of a civilised society, a conscientious nation and a progressive world. Educators, are therefore, deservedly cherished and revered as the crucial architects of ongoing generations, which will harbour a peaceful present and a thriving future. We owe much more than we know to […]

Surat’s Parsi Pragati Mandal Celebrates Independence Day

Known for conducting various cultural and social programmes for the Zoroastrian community in Surat, the city’s Parsi Pragati Mandal (PPM) celebrated India’s Independence Day amidst much patriotic pomp and splendour. A fancy dress competition and talent show, across different age categories, was organised in the Pak Kadim Atashbehram Saheb compound to unleash the budding talents. […]

A Tribute To The Grand Old Man of India – Dadabhai Naoroji

Known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’ and the ‘Unofficial Ambassador of India’, Dadabhai Naoroji (4 September 1825 – 30 June 1917) was one of our community’s greatest legends and one of the nation’s greatest leaders, having known to have influenced among many others, including Mahatma Gandhi, Mohamed Ali Jinnah and Sir Pherozeshah Mehta. The 4th of September marks […]

Guj. Govt. Awards Dr. Yazdi Italia For Contributions In Sickle Cell Anemia

Dr. Yazdi Italia was recently honoured by the Government of Gujarat for his significant contributions in Health Services for the Prevention and Control of Sickle Cell Anemia and Thalassemia. The award was presented to him by Gujarat Chief Minister, Bhupendrabhai Patel. Dr. Italia, Ph.D, is a Translation Scientist. Since 1978, he is reckoned as one of the […]

Commemorating The Lives Of Our Dearly Departed

Fravardin, the first month of the Zoroastrian calendar is aptly dedicated to the Fravashi or Farohar, which is the prototype of all creation. 3rd September, 2023 marks the Parab (when the Roj and Mah coincide) of Fravardin. Parab of Fravardin: Roj Fravardin of Mah Fravardin marks the day when devout Zoroastrians head for the Dokhma or Aramgah, to offer prayers to the Fravashi of their dearly departed. One could […]