Letters To The Editor

  Reply To Dhanda’s Letter Published In Mumbai Samachar (June 04, 2017)   Editor’s Note: Since the above mentioned letter, as alleged by the undersigned Godrej Baug Residents Welfare Association leaders, makes unsubstantiated statements which need to be responded to, with the aim of providing the truth to our community members, Parsi Times is printing […]

Know Your Bombay

Banganga Tank: Built way back in 1127 AD, Banganga Tank is an ancient water tank that forms part of the Walkeshwar Temple Complex in Malabar Hill, South Mumbai. One of the holiest Hindu sites in Mumbai, as per legend, it was here that Ram’s brother Lakshman shot an arrow into the ground creating a hole for the water […]

Lions Club Intnl Centenary Celebrations

The world’s largest and fastest growing service club, Lions Clubs International, organized another leg of its centenary celebrations, with a ‘Community Legacy Project’ of refurbishing Colaba Police Chowky at Gateway of India, on 7th June, 2017. Inaugurated by International President 2017-18, Lion Dr. Naresh Aggarwal, the project was coordinated by District Governor Elect Lion Pradip […]

The Power Of Prayers

The power of prayers transcends all other cosmic energies. It is a hotline to God since praying is a direct approach to the creative force, which melts seamlessly into the universal power of love. Prayer goes to the primordial source of all energy. Asking for material goodies like money, name, fame and success is not […]

BPP Athletic Summer Camp Concludes

The Bombay Parsi Punchayet’s Athletic Coaching Camp at Rustom Baug concluded on 28th May, 2017 (started on 2nd May). It comprised over 80 participants split up into groups including ‘Tiny Beginners’, ‘Sprinters’, ‘Hurdlers’, ‘Jumpers’ and ‘Throwers’. Ten coaches and helpers explained and demonstrated the fundamentals and supervised the actions of the trainees. Well-wishers and past […]