Dear Readers, “I’m a God-fearing person,” is a common statement most of us proudly proclaim, like we are brandishing some divine reference which instantly abolishes any potential of doubt or mistrust that anyone may hold against us… simply because we fear God! But then, don’t they say, it’s the guilty who are afraid? Now I’m […]
Tag: Prayers
Ushering The Equinox
The autumn equinox occurs between 21st to 24th September. This year it will occur today (September 23, 2023) at 12:19 pm IST., marking the onset of Autumn in the Northern hemisphere and the onset of Spring in the Southern hemisphere. In the Northern hemisphere, we celebrate the Spring equinox with much gusto (as Jamshedi Navroze) […]
Prayers For Healing And All-Round Well-Being
Zoroastrian prayers are extremely powerful in healing and providing relief from various maladies. The Ardibahesht Yasht mentions, of the five types of healing, healing by prayers is the most effective as it heals right from the source within. Our sacred manthravani is loaded with Divine Energy which can deeply influence the devotee and their surroundings when chanted […]
Unity, Peace And Harmony In The New Year!
Our country, our community and for that matter, the whole world seems to be in a state of turmoil! There is disharmony and chaos all over. How can we bring about healing? Different religions have distinct prayers and philosophies. Let’s look at some of these, including what our own Zoroastrian religion has to offer… St. […]
Significance Of Jashan During Dae Mahino
During the holy month of Dae, we perform Jashan ceremonies by way of thanks-giving at home, at the workplace as also at various community centers and places of worship. Since Dae is dedicated to Ahura Mazda – the Supreme Divinity and Creator, it is considered particularly meritorious to perform Jashan as a ritual form of […]
The Seven Sacred Amesha Spentas
The first seven days, according to our calendar, are named after the Seven Ameshaspands. Each of these also has some helpers or assistants who assist them in performing their righteous duty. The significance of the Ameshaspands is as given under: Dadar Hormuzd – the Wisdom and the Spirit of God (Spenta Mainyu): Every man requires the […]
Time And Ahura Mazda
So many of us lead busy lives. We end up having no time on our hands for most mundane tasks. But there are some things which we all do everyday, without fail. We brush our teeth, bathe and eat meals; at least this much we do daily, even if we have slept at 2:00 am […]
PZSM Inaugurates Zappy Zoroastrians
To further their long-standing community services in Pune, the PZSM (Poona Zarthosti Seva Mandal) inaugurated yet another much appreciated and needed activity, on 7th September, 2019 – special weekly classes for tots titled ‘Zappy Zoroastrians’, for Zoroastrian children in and around Pune. The fortnightly classes will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of […]
Humbandigi Prayers At 24th World Scout Jamboree
The 24th World Scout Jamboree, which will be held at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in West Virginia, USA, from 22nd July to 2nd August, 2019, will witness the participation of Zoroastrian scouts and scouters from all over the world. A Humbandigi prayer, led by Scouter Ervad Ratansha Vakil, will be performed on […]
Magi – The Zoroastrian Magicians
‘Magic’ as an expression has its roots in the term Magi. The Magi or Magus were ancient Zoroastrian priests belonging to a tribe in North-western Iran known as the Medes. Darius the Great in his historic inscription on Mount Behistun near modern day Kermansha in Iran also speaks about a certain Magus by the name […]
Zoroastrian Prayers and Rituals
Many people regard ‘Ritual’ and ‘Reason’ as being anti-thetical. In reality, both are complementary factors in the process of spiritual growth. Prayers and rituals are born of man’s adoration for that unseen power underlying the mystery of life. Each religion prescribes its own set of practices as a means of adoration or worship or to […]