Charming Cherazad Churns 97%!

Cherazad Maneck Udwadia, from Mumbai’s Cathedral & John Connon School, secured a marvelous 97% overall (and 98.4% best of 5), in the recent ICSE exams. Proud parents, Banoo and Maneck Udwadia, were thrilled to see her score cent per cent in History and Chemistry, with a 98% in Math, Physics and Biology each, without any tuitions […]

What’s In A (Sur)Name?

It’s an accepted fact that many of us have some of the most unusual and funny surnames. In fact, we would hold the record for having the longest surnames, were it not for those interminable South Indian surnames! The longest Parsi surnames, so far include Sodawaterbottleopenerwala (25 alphabets) and Workingboxwalla (15 alphabets), which are currently […]