Gourmet Catering Serves The President Of India!

11th February, 2022 marked a grand milestone of pride and achievement for culinary management expert and PT columnist, Shiraz Kotwal, as his increasingly sought-after catering establishment, ‘Gourmet Catering’, served a formal lunch to India’s foremost citizen, President Shri Ram Nath Kovind, along with other political big wigs, at Mumbai’s Raj Bhavan. Known for catering to […]

Take The Gen Z and Beyond Survey

There is little doubt that the Zoroastrian community faces many serious challenges, some of which are deep-rooted and complex, with no easy fix or resolution. To understand the community at a deeper level, an independent research project – Gen Z and Beyond Survey – was proposed and is now underway. The project consists of a […]

Harvard Professor Mahzarin Banaji To Receive 2022 Atkinson Prize

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has awarded the 2022 Atkinson Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences to Harvard Professor, Mahzarin Rustum Banaji for her work in furthering the understanding of ‘Implicit Social Cognition’. Praising her contributions, an official statement NAS stated, “Her research has helped establish and quantify the role that unconscious processes play in […]