Dear Readers,
Welcome to YZ 1388! As we step into this brand new orbit, may our Community flourish in greater progress, unity and number! There is always something auspicious about new beginnings – a lingering sense of hope and positivity envelopes even the greatest sceptics. There’s a little magic in new beginnings that rubs off a sense of redemption – because you’re willing to end and let go of what was, and that in itself can be so exhilarating and emancipating.
New beginnings need not necessarily mark the end of some pivotal phase in your life. It can be about renewing and recharging yourself to take on the present, equipped as the best version of yourself. After the festivities of the New Year end, we settle back into our usual routines, wondering how we should go about realising those transitional goals and promises we made to ourselves or to others. A myriad questions add to the challenge of change, but the best mantra, which has worked for all the greats, and which you could equip yourself with to unfailingly taste sweet success, is, “Start where you are – Use what you have – Do what you can.”
Close on the heels of New Year’s auspiciousness, our Community will celebrate Khordad Sal on the 22nd of this month, commemorating the birth anniversary of our great Prophet, Zarathustra. As we march into a brand new beautiful year, into propitious new beginnings, may the words and wisdom of our enlightened Prophet be our guide and lead us into justifying our privilege, and delivering on our commitments, as Zarthostis.
I cannot bid you a happy weekend before thanking you for your comprehensive and encouraging feedback on our Bumper Parsi New Year Special issue! Your words of appreciation keep us going and provide us the support and guidance to continue delivering the best news content to our Community.
Here’s wishing you Sal Mubarak once again! And Khordad Sal Mubarak in advance!
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita
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