Pune Parsi Sports Club (PPSC), under the leadership of Captain Adi Mistry, organised a friendly cricket match at Sir J N Petit School grounds, on 16th December, 2018, in a 25-overs-a-side match. Held annually for 25 years, Chief Administrators, Zubin Lakka and Mistry prepped the ground and provided the necessary cricketing gear for the participants. The match witnessed Captain Adi Mistry, Mehzad Elavia, Vispi Karkaria perform exceptionally well, with Delzad Marazbani declared ‘Man of the Match’ for the second consecutive year and awarded a wrist watch for his excellent performance. The match concluded with lemon lassi sponsored by Sohrab Chinoy of ABC Farms, chocolate muffins catered by Farokh Irani of Imperial Bakery and contributory snacks. The players thanked Captain Adi Mistry for organising a successful match.
- ગણતંત્ર દિવસ - 25 January2025
- 70 વર્ષની ઉંમરેમેહેરનોશ બામજીએ સફળતા મેળવી! - 25 January2025
- ડો. ફરોખ જે. માસ્ટરનું બીજા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીયઓન્કોલોજી કોંગ્રેસમાં સન્માન કરવામાં આવ્યું - 25 January2025