Bai M N Gamadia Girls’ High School celebrated its Annual Day at the Y B Chavan Auditorium on 16th January, 2019 with celebrity Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist, Dr. Ashdin Turner, as Chief Guest, and attended by President of Parsee Girls’ School Association (PGSA) – Kersi Commissariat; Treasurer of PGSA, Zubin Billimoria; and PGSA Board members – Firdosh Pavri, Rati Wadia and Hoshang Wania.
It commenced with the National Anthem, with Principal, Zarin Rabadi introducing Chief Guest, Dr. Ashdin Turner by extolling his achievements and his passion in Oral Implantology and Prosthodontics. The event proceeded with a prayer dance by the Pre – Primary tiny tots, followed with a ballet performance conceived and directed by Viloo Bharucha. The prime element of the evening, a play, ‘Box Of Magic Chocolates’, written and directed by speech and drama teacher, Odil Medeira, and enacted by students of all ages, interspersed with humorous dialogue and dazzling dances, showcased various attitudes and aspects of mankind. This was followed by a spirited martial art from the Philippines, ‘Eskrima – Kali Arnis’, ably led by Radhika Jhaveri.
Having felicitated the dignitaries seated on the dais, Dr. Turner addressed the gathering and appreciated the efforts put in by the students. He touched upon the subjects of creativity, the importance of parents bonding with their children, but most of all he emphasized the importance of honesty, gratitude and prayer.
Dr. and Mrs. Ashdin Turner distributed prizes, merit cards, trophies and shields to students who passed their SSC Boards in 2018, along with students from various classes for achieving excellence in academics and co-curricular activities.
Two Parsi girls, Ruby Kermani and Delnavaz Parva were felicitated with gift vouchers for Laptops, for scoring over 90% in the Board Examinations (March 2018).The Head Girl – Yukta Machh and the Assistant Head Girl – Franakh Dhamodiwala delivered the vote of thanks and concluded the function with the school anthem.
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