Dear Readers,
Finally, the rains have descended on Mumbai, much to the relief of our parched city! It’s been a long and impatient wait for the rains – what with all the water-cuts hitting the city, causing much inconvenience and seeing Mumbaikars, including community members, march up to the BMC!
Monsoon 2019 remained in hiding for way longer than usual, running behind schedule to record its longest wait in a decade. There was alarming water shortage with depleting water levels in our dams and lakes, but the ever-graceful and forgiving Mother Nature decided to smile upon us. And for that, we are ever so thankful. It’s rightfully said – until we are denied of that which we have taken for granted, we don’t truly value it – and so it is with water. May this shortfall and the resulting inconveniences prove to be lessons learnt, so we understand the importance of saving and respecting water in the future.
Here’s wishing we have a fulfilling and safe monsoon – one which does not result in damage to life and property – with those uncovered manholes, water-logging and structural collapses… drive safe, keep calm and don’t forget to have fun in the rains!
Have a great weekend!
– Anahita
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From the point of view of the fundamental rights of civilians regards usage of lanes as the means to travel …I strongly urge the BMC and the state government to have a purview of the fact that along with the Ganeshji mandal the vehicles should have a right to pass through khetwadi by lanes especially 12th lane….the fundamental rights of citizens are taken away by not allowing vehicles to pass through these lanes due to mandap and festival. .. So as to note that constitutional rights are taken away from the commuters.. please see that such a constraint does not happen