Truth is the paramount virtue. It embraces and embodies other virtues within its fold. It is the all-inclusive virtue. Beautiful and sublime is truth. It is divine. Knowledge is truth and goodness is truth and religion is truth and God, the giver of all, is truth. To love truth and to love God, are one and the same. Nothing is like unto truth for man. Nothing is above truth for man. Truth is all in all for man. The essence of truth is straightforwardness and light. Invulnerable is truth. All conquering truth always triumphs in the end. Truth dies not. It is immortal.
Let my life be a continual quest for truth. Let me spend myself to the utmost in search of truth. Let me believe and live in truth, even as Ahura Mazda dwells in truth. Let me best discern between truth and untruth. With unfaltering love of truth, let my heart feel the truth and let my lips speak the truth. Let me speak what, Thou Ahura Mazda, wouldst have me to speak!
Truth is courage. Let me not shrink from testifying to truth. Let me, with courage, speak out facts without flinching. Let me make a clean breast of things and speak out what I think truth. Truth is the best armour to fight evil in life. I will tread the path of life with the torch of truth ever ablaze in my hand. From dawn to dusk, I will be true both in words and in deeds.
Zarathushtra is the mirror that reflects best Thy truth, Ahura Mazda. He loved truth, he lived for truth, he suffered for truth and he died for truth. With my whole heart will I love truth for truth’s sake at all times and in all circumstances. I will hold truth dearer than life. Ever will I be ready to sacrifice my life to truth even as He, my blessed prophet, did in His days, Ahura Mazda!