From the Editors Desk

Dear Readers,

Despite the week going down as one of the most unpredictable-yet-highly-amusing events in the history of Maha(hahaha!)rashtra Politics, it’s been an admirable week for the community – brimming with fabulous achievements, by some of our vibrant and self-motivated community members, as they further the proud Parsi legacy of greatness… deservedly recognized across multi-arenas of Business, Social Activism and Sports.

Starting with our dynamic, corporate frontrunner ladies – Zarin Daruwala, Nisaba Godrej and Meher Pudumjee – who were recognized by the prestigious ‘Fortune India’s 2019 List of Most Powerful Women in Business’; and the charismatic and exceptionally talented Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal, felicitated with the prestigious ‘Karmaveer Puruskar Maharatna Award’, along with her son – Kaizad Kotwal, for their contributions to combatting violence against women. And blazing a trail like none other, our very own Lord Karan Bilimoria brings further pride onto the Community as he becomes the very first Indian to preside as President of the prominent ‘Confederation Of British Industry’.

There was much to celebrate on the sports front as well, with our Bawa beefcakes – Bodybuilding Champs – father and son duo – Jehangir and Yohan Randeria; Mehernosh Bamboat clean-sweeping Gold medals; consistent young Judo Champion – Friya Jijina bagging Silver at the National level; and Parsee Gym’s Arm-Wrestling Competition. Read all about it in this issue!

Be it providing authentic community news from all over, or partnering with the community’s most sought after events, or taking up causes and empowering our community members, Parsi Times leads from the front!  As always, we invite readers to share feedback and ideas on community issues that need attention and discussion.

Have a lovely weekend!

– Anahita

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