Let’s ‘CAB’ (Covid-Appropriate-Behaviour) It!
Dear Readers,
Over the past months, the one buzz-word, or rather, buzz-phrase that seems to increasingly cement its presence in our lives is ‘Covid-Appropriate-Behaviour’ (CAB). And with very good reason, what with the second wave of the novel coronavirus pandemic engulfing our nation, after a temporary decline in cases from September 2020 to February this year.
The fear factor during the initial months of the pandemic reduced significantly as the economy re-opened and people started moving out, practicing less caution – with vacation-plans and social gatherings on the rise – all facilitating the virus’ spread. A vulnerable population and the new Covid-19 variants have also added to the threat posed by the slack in following CAB.
Today, India, especially Maharashtra, is reeling under this daunting second spate, with this week recording the highest ever cases and increase in daily caseloads (crossing a lakh, a day!) in our 14-month battle against this deadly contagion. Despite the ongoing vaccination drive, the Covid-battle will have to be fought on multiple fronts – calling for collective action and adherence to Covid-Appropriate Behaviour, which works as an effective ‘social vaccine’, to help curb the spread.
As a micro-community that has been battling possible extinction for a while, the pandemic poses double jeopardy. While all life is equally precious individually, as a community, we owe it to each other and to ourselves, to be that much more mindful about adopting CAB. And, with our community comprising a sizeable number of seniors – a segment at greater risk of contracting and succumbing to Covid – there is a stark need to reinforce the importance of preventive measures and practices in a sustained manner, because it will be a while before we are Covid-free.
So, if we wish to make the journey to ‘Destination Covid-Free’, we would definitely need to ‘CAB’ it!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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