From the Editors Desk

Farewell, Dear Yazdi Desai

 Dear Readers,

The light of some stars continues to reach the earth long after they have concluded. Similarly, there are heroes among men, whose shining legacies continue lighting the world and lives of countless people, long after they have passed away. If a hero is defined as one who has given his life to something bigger than himself, then our community has lost one of the biggest heroes of our times, in the passing of former BPP Chairman and community service stalwart – Yazdi Desai.

A thorough gentleman to the core… we will always remember him for his strong sense of values and solid character, his undisputable integrity, professional diligence and brilliant leadership… but most of all, his overwhelming passion and unflinching commitment to his true calling – Community Service.

His heart truly did beat for the welfare of the community, and it went out to the destitute, who he always helped – in his professional capacity as the BPP Chairman as well as in his personal capacity. He would selflessly and tirelessly give off himself, his time and his money to all who approached him, lighting up the dark moments of the underprivileged with the blazing brilliance of his generosity, never ever turning away anyone in genuine need. Even in his passing, he leaves for us the invaluable inheritance of the exemplification of being Parsi.

We stand firmly by his wife Anahita, who has been as committed and devoted to community service, as was Yazdi. The community mourns with her the loss of a committed and inspiring champion of the community, and we pray for her to heal from this sad loss.

Farewell, dear Yazdi Desai. Garothman Behest Hojoji! May your noble soul be granted eternal peace. You will indeed be missed for a long, long time.

– Anahita


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