From the Editors Desk

Fighting The Good Fight

Dear Readers,

There’s something to be said about the victory that results from fighting the good fight. It’s so much more than simple success. It’s redeeming. It reconfirms your faith in a lot more than the cause that you stood up and fought for. To fight the good fight is about putting yourself out there to do the right thing for the greater good of all – it is not about vanquishing detractors or intentionally causing harm or destruction. It is about taking on a challenge against the odds, to ensure that the playing field itself stays even, for all those standing atop it.

Trustees Kersi Randeria and Noshir Dadrawala led from the front in setting the precedent of fighting the good fight, towards the immediate and direct interest of the community and the BPP, and in the larger interest of democracy. And they emerged victorious. After a year-long battle, they were able to finally get an election date set, so the community could finally get to vote in Trustees, and render the numerically skewed and fractured BPP Board as a whole, yet again.

Despite being in the minority, they were able to overcome all the hurdles and strategies posed by the majority three trustees. Only because they were fighting the good fight, for the welfare of the community – a cause they were entrusted with, as Trustees elected by the community. It took a historical ‘hunger fast’ and a case in the High Court, among other high-end drama, to finally set right the wrongs. And for this, the community stands in much gratitude to the consistent efforts of Trustees Randeria and Dadrawala, as also to Hon’ble Justice Kathawala, India’s leading legal luminary, who helped culminate this ‘good fight’ to its victorious and warranted conclusion.

And now that 29th May, 2022 has been set as the election date, the campaigning will begin soon, as will the underhanded tactics of fabricating and twisting truths and propping up dummy candidates for dividing votes. Here’s hoping our community members will not be as gullible this time around, and select candidates based on their track records and not their fake-promises-making vocal cords. It’s now our turn to fight the good fight and get good people elected.

Have a good weekend!

– Anahita

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