
Mercury Rising… And Resurrection

Dear Readers,

Even as we welcome the Spring season, summer seems to have snuck in alongside, with temperatures already starting to rise all over. Experts attribute this rise in daytime temperatures, especially in Mumbai, to a phenomenon called ‘global brightening’, which results from reduced cloud cover, allowing more sunlight to reach the Earth’s surface, leading to the mercury rising.

The advent of April marks a further increase in temperatures – making it unbearable for our community (street) animals and birds. Please arrange to have water accessible at street corners for our four-legged friends and small bowls of water and feeds for birds on your balconies / window sills, to help rehydrate their parched and heated bodies back to life.

And speaking of resurrections, it’s Easter tomorrow – Sunday, 31st March. And we’re already fantasizing about those yummy Easter goodies – marzipan eggs, chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns! It’s endearing how gleefully us Bawas partake of all Indian festivals – further sweetening the proverbial milk (doodh-ma-saakhar saga)… and own our palates alongside! While these ‘sweet’ celebrations take center-stage in all auspicious occasions, let’s not miss the deeper essence that these festivals symbolize…

Easter, greatly enriches our comprehension, starting with ‘Christ’s Crucifixion’ – the ultimate exemplification of investing our lives in a cause bigger than ourselves and being selfless for the greater good. Then, there’s one of the most famous lines in the history of mankind: “Father, forgive them; For they know not what they do,” inspiring us to forgive those who have hurt us.

The story of ‘Death, Burial and Resurrection’ encourages us to abort all negativities that ail our minds and bodies, reflect on the path ahead and come alive with renewed vigour to continue/take on our journey… ‘Jesus’ Victory Over Death and Sin’ – urges us to keep our faith in God and stay courageous on the path of righteousness as that brings us God’s blessings… ‘Preparing to Receive the Renewal of God’s Covenant of Peace and Blessing’ propagates mental/spiritual hygiene, to enable ourselves to receive the universe’s messages by clearing the pollution in our hearts and minds, which has clogged our soul and shackled our free spirits… ‘Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ’ cheers us on to applaud the success borne of all our hard work and sacrifices we make.

Add to all this, the constant underlining of ‘Grace, Kindness and Salvation’ through what we already practice as ‘Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds’… and we would have done justice to understanding the true essence of Easter!

Have a lovely weekend and a meaningful Easter!

– Anahita



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