Hyderabad witnessed an exciting display of cricket and camaraderie during the 36th Jiji Irani Challenge Cup Cricket Tournament, which successfully concluded on 15th January, 2025. This prestigious annual tournament witnessed Zoroastrian teams from Kolkata, Nagpur, Jamshedpur, Secunderabad/Hyderabad, and Surat compete in a round-robin format, with each city hosting the event by rotation. This year, Hyderabad hosted the tournament, which commenced on 11th January.
The five-day tournament featured exciting matches at the D’Marc Cricket Academy Grounds, with two matches played daily. Amidst fierce competition and great sportsmanship, Team Surat clinched the cup beating runners-up, Team Jamshedpur. Individual accolades were awarded to outstanding performers – Sanju Dutta (Kolkata) – Man of the Series; Khushal Jilla (Secunderabad) – Best Batsman, and Jehan Eduljee (Nagpur) – Best Bowler award.
Participants and their families enjoyed themed events each evening, including a Nawab-e-Shaam Hyderabad dinner, a Parsi-themed night with a ‘Bawaji Boogie Bash’, a Game-On gala, and a Telugu Tadka celebration. The grand valedictory and awards ceremony took place at Secunderabad’s beautifully decorated Parsi Dharamsala. Distinguished Chief Guests included DCP Vamshi on the opening day, while the final day was graced by CA Jehangir Bisney and Khodadad Yazdegerdi, Vice President of The Parsi Gymkhana, Mumbai.
A highlight of the closing ceremony was the release of the tournament souvenir by Khorshed S. Chenai, President of the Parsi Zoroastrian Anjuman of Secunderabad and Hyderabad. The souvenir offered delightful insights into the tournament’s legacy and experiences.
Reflecting on the event’s success, Bahman Karaka, President of Zoroastrian Club, Secunderabad, expressed gratitude and pride in hosting the tournament, emphasizing the camaraderie and sportsmanship displayed throughout.
- ગણતંત્ર દિવસ - 25 January2025
- 70 વર્ષની ઉંમરેમેહેરનોશ બામજીએ સફળતા મેળવી! - 25 January2025
- ડો. ફરોખ જે. માસ્ટરનું બીજા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીયઓન્કોલોજી કોંગ્રેસમાં સન્માન કરવામાં આવ્યું - 25 January2025