For thirteen years, the Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) has been a beacon of spiritual unity, thanks to the visionary leadership of Er. Zarrir Bhandara and his son, Er. Zerkxis Bhandara, alongside the former ZAC President Vira Santoke. In December 2011, ZAC started a weekly religious practice of Humbandagi with the belief: ‘The community that prays together, stays together’.
This weekly gathering transcended geographical limitations, connecting Zoroastrians worldwide. Remarkably, even during the pandemic, the Humbandagi seamlessly transitioned to a virtual platform, reaching a remarkable 500+ participants per session, with numerous grateful individuals attesting to the profound impact of these collective prayers, which provided them relief from various issues.
Beyond spiritual upliftment, the Humbandagi fosters a strong sense of community. Following the prayers, the Bhandara family graciously prepares and serves a vegetarian Dhanshak, adding a touch of warmth. Each week, Er. Zerkxis, a PhD student at the University of Santa Barbara, exemplifies unwavering commitment as he embarks on a 300-mile journey to lead these sacred prayers for the global Zoroastrian community.
“When one prays, the sound vibrations created by the Mathravani are powerful. However, when multiple individuals join in prayer, the frequencies amplify exponentially, creating a ripple effect of positive energy. The essence lies not just in the meaning of the prayers, but in the power of the sound itself. Every sound possesses a form, and every form resonates with a sound. By chanting prayers, we connect with the universal sound, transforming ourselves and our environment into a field of positivity,” explains Er. Zarrir.
This 13-year milestone serves as a testament to the enduring power of faith, community, and the unwavering commitment of the Bhandara family and ZAC.
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