Ladies! Get Yourself A Free Fabulous Make-Over

Parsi Times is delighted to offer our readers a ‘Magical Makeover’ by Expert Arshis Javeri, which will include professional hairdo by ‘Makeover Salon’ and a profile shoot by renowned Bollywood still-photographer, Ketan Mehta, at Bazyan Mistry’s specialized workspace, ‘Talisman Studios’. Look stylish and get famous! Interested? Mail your picture along with a reason for opting […]

Caption This – 19 August

Calling all our readers to caption this picture! The wittiest caption will win a fabulous prize! Send in your captions at by 24th August, 2016. 6th August 2016 Hillary: I can ‘trump’ you!! Trump: Haha! You are over the ‘hill’!!! – by Havovi. 20th August 2016 “Atli thandak ma taru bheju garam kem chhe?” […]

What’s In A (Sur)Name?

It’s an accepted fact that many of us have some of the most unusual and funny surnames. In fact, we would hold the record for having the longest surnames, were it not for those interminable South Indian surnames! The longest Parsi surnames, so far include Sodawaterbottleopenerwala (25 alphabets) and Workingboxwalla (15 alphabets), which are currently […]

Film Review – Rustom

The only category left unexplored by the Filmfare folks is that of ‘Best Casting Director’. With Akshay Kumar in the eponymous Rustom, based on the celebrated Nanavati case of 1959, this lacuna should hopefully be addressed. But first things first. The film, ‘suggested by actual events’, bears striking resemblances to the incidents of the 1959 […]