Managing Diabetes

We love food! Non-vegetarian food dominates Parsi/Irani households, and our normal diet of bakery products and sweets invites several health ailments. Therefore, there’s a high prevalence of obesity and related disorders like diabetes in the community. However, wrong eating habits might not be the only cause of this disorder. Other major causes include: Family History – The […]

Your Smile And You – Part-I

A beautiful, perfect, attractive smile is something everyone aspires to have since the time fairy-tales were woven into our lives! Ancient Egyptian mummies and Etruscan excavations have been found to have wires woven between teeth, and varied types of tooth jewels placed for the effect of increasing the individual’s attractiveness. There are various aspects of […]

Heal Acne With Homeopathy

Acne, also known as pimples, occurs when oil and dead skin cells accumulate on hair follicles. They mostly appear on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Various forms of pimples exist based on the severity of the condition. Acne affects virtually everyone at some point in their lives. It’s most frequent amongst teenagers, affecting […]

Body Postures And You – II

Continuing our exclusive four-part series on correcting body postures for pain-free health benefits, Parsi Times presents the second part with Physiotherapist Dr. Zahra Hussain, specialist in Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy, and a certified therapist in Kinesiology Taping and Mulligan Therapy. Today we shall elaborate on one of the prime factors responsible for Musculo Skeleton Disorders […]

Preserve Those Teeth!

Dos, Don’ts and Myths Busted! In our daily practice we come across so many queries and doubts and fears and most of them turn out to be nothing but myths! Dr. Nilofer Currawalla, Parsi Times Guest Columnist and Orthodontist, addresses and busts relevant dental myths. Myth: Removal of teeth (especially on the upper-jaw) causes headaches […]


Eczema is a chronic skin condition in which there is an irritation and inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It is neither a serious problem, nor is it a contagious. However, the red, swollen and itchy skin can cause emotional and psychosocial stress in affected individuals. Eczema is […]